Training Video Course

EX200: Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)

PDFs and exam guides are not so efficient, right? Prepare for your RedHat examination with our training course. The EX200 course contains a complete batch of videos that will provide you with profound and thorough knowledge related to RedHat certification exam. Pass the RedHat EX200 test with flying colors.

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Curriculum for EX200 Certification Video Course

Name of Video Time
Play Video: Introduction to the course.
1. Introduction to the course.
Play Video: Why learn Linux.
2. Why learn Linux.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Downloading, installing and configuring VirtualBox on Windows 8.
1. Downloading, installing and configuring VirtualBox on Windows 8.
Play Video: Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 1.
2. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 1.
Play Video: Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 2.
3. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 2.
Play Video: Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 3.
4. Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 3.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 1.
1. How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 1.
Play Video: How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 2.
2. How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 2.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 1.
1. Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 1.
Play Video: Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 2.
2. Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 2.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: File system navigation. Commands "ls, cd, pwd" part 1.
1. File system navigation. Commands "ls, cd, pwd" part 1.
Play Video: File system navigation. Commands "ls, cd, pwd" part 2.
2. File system navigation. Commands "ls, cd, pwd" part 2.
Play Video: Finding files. Commands "find, locate, updatedb, man."
3. Finding files. Commands "find, locate, updatedb, man."
Play Video: File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands "chown, chmod" part 1.
4. File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands "chown, chmod" part 1.
Play Video: File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands "chown, chmod" part 2.
5. File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands "chown, chmod" part 2.
Play Video: Move, delete and copy files. Commands "mv, rm, cp."
6. Move, delete and copy files. Commands "mv, rm, cp."
Play Video: Commands "grep, pipe, echo, cat."
7. Commands "grep, pipe, echo, cat."
Play Video: Yum packet manager part 1.
8. Yum packet manager part 1.
Play Video: Yum packet manager part 2.
9. Yum packet manager part 2.
Play Video: Rpm packet manager.
10. Rpm packet manager.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: What does the RedHat Certified System Administrator exam include?
1. What does the RedHat Certified System Administrator exam include?
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Globbing ( wildcards ) part 1. Getting files fast without the entire name.
1. Globbing ( wildcards ) part 1. Getting files fast without the entire name.
Play Video: Globbing ( wildcards ) part 2.
2. Globbing ( wildcards ) part 2.
Play Video: I/O Redirection part 1. Input and output redirection with standard input/output.
3. I/O Redirection part 1. Input and output redirection with standard input/output.
Play Video: I/O Redirection part 2. Redirect standard error to standard output or command.
4. I/O Redirection part 2. Redirect standard error to standard output or command.
Play Video: I/O Redirection part 3 for redirecting standard error in more depth.
5. I/O Redirection part 3 for redirecting standard error in more depth.
Play Video: Vim text editor part 1. How to do text editing and use text editors.
6. Vim text editor part 1. How to do text editing and use text editors.
Play Video: Vim text editor part 2. Making changes in the Vim text editor.
7. Vim text editor part 2. Making changes in the Vim text editor.
Play Video: Vim text editor part 3. How to search for text within a file.
8. Vim text editor part 3. How to search for text within a file.
Play Video: Vim text editor part 4.
9. Vim text editor part 4.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Linux file system explained where all files are in the root directory.
1. Linux file system explained where all files are in the root directory.
Play Video: Hard and soft links in the Linux file system.
2. Hard and soft links in the Linux file system.
Play Video: Backups, recovery, and compression in Linux part 1. Introduction and use.
3. Backups, recovery, and compression in Linux part 1. Introduction and use.
Play Video: Backups part 2. How to uncompress files and restore backed up files.
4. Backups part 2. How to uncompress files and restore backed up files.
Play Video: Backups, recovery, and compression part 3. More about tar.
5. Backups, recovery, and compression part 3. More about tar.
Play Video: Automating tasks with cron part 1. Meet the crontab and schedule tasks.
6. Automating tasks with cron part 1. Meet the crontab and schedule tasks.
Play Video: Automating tasks with cron part 2. Creating a cron job and bash script.
7. Automating tasks with cron part 2. Creating a cron job and bash script.
Play Video: Automating tasks with cron part 3. Commenting out a line and making notes.
8. Automating tasks with cron part 3. Commenting out a line and making notes.
Play Video: Automating tasks with cron part 4. More about crontabs.
9. Automating tasks with cron part 4. More about crontabs.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: User properties and where are they stored on the system.
1. User properties and where are they stored on the system.
Play Video: Creating a user.
2. Creating a user.
Play Video: Creating groups and assigning users to them.
3. Creating groups and assigning users to them.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Intro to network interfaces.
1. Intro to network interfaces.
Play Video: Network manager.
2. Network manager.
Play Video: Network manager and network configuration part 2 + some troubleshooting tools.
3. Network manager and network configuration part 2 + some troubleshooting tools.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Installing and configuring SSH server part 1.
1. Installing and configuring SSH server part 1.
Play Video: Installing and configuring SSH server part 2.
2. Installing and configuring SSH server part 2.
Play Video: SSH passwordless login and SCP ( secure copying of files between hosts ).
3. SSH passwordless login and SCP ( secure copying of files between hosts ).
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Partitioning and file systems.
1. Partitioning and file systems.
Play Video: Partitioning a new disk.
2. Partitioning a new disk.
Play Video: Formatting a partition using xfs file system.
3. Formatting a partition using xfs file system.
Play Video: Mounting the partitions.
4. Mounting the partitions.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 1.
1. Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 1.
Play Video: Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 2.
2. Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 2.
Play Video: Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 3.
3. Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 3.
Play Video: Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 4.
4. Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 4.
Play Video: Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 5.
5. Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 5.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: LUKS part 1.
1. LUKS part 1.
Play Video: LUKS part 2.
2. LUKS part 2.
Name of Video Time
Play Video: How to install and configure a web server part 1
1. How to install and configure a web server part 1
Play Video: How to install and configure a web server part 2
2. How to install and configure a web server part 2
Play Video: How to install and configure an FTP server part 1
3. How to install and configure an FTP server part 1
Play Video: How to install and configure an FTP server part 2
4. How to install and configure an FTP server part 2
Play Video: How to install and configure VNC
5. How to install and configure VNC
Name of Video Time
Play Video: SELinux general talk part 1
1. SELinux general talk part 1
Play Video: SELinux general talk part 2
2. SELinux general talk part 2
Play Video: Basics
3. Basics
Play Video: SELinux and Apache part 1
4. SELinux and Apache part 1
Play Video: SELinux and Apache part 2
5. SELinux and Apache part 2
Play Video: SELinux and Apache part 3
6. SELinux and Apache part 3
Play Video: SELinux and SSH
7. SELinux and SSH

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RedHat EX200 Training Course

Want verified and proven knowledge for Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)? Believe it's easy when you have ExamSnap's Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification video training course by your side which along with our RedHat EX200 Exam Dumps & Practice Test questions provide a complete solution to pass your exam Read More.

Ermin Kreponics's EX200 video course for CentOS and Red Hat Linux –RHCSA is specially designed for students who are interested in learning how to interact with Linux interface and performing the various administrative task using the mighty terminal.

The students will be taught from basics to advance starting from the installation of a virtual machine to the running of Linux commands inside a file. The learning will proceed to the vi-editors which are essential in the running of the programs such as the shell, Perl, and wildcards. Besides, the video course provides candidates with introductory information about the various administrative task especially in networking where learners will be able to connect several computers using the SHH. The contents of the curriculum of this course are fully elaborated by the ablest instructors participating in the running of the course.


The instructors have made the learning of CentOS and Red Hat Linux easy by engaging in more demonstration than explaining concepts based on commonly known theories that are not comprehensive. The lectures are interesting and straight to the main concept, so it makes this course easy to understand and learn the subject.

The learner is required to be able to implement all the techniques that have been elaborated in EX200 video course. These skills include the creation of Red Hat Virtual machine, use Linux commands appropriately, open the vim text editor and so much more skills captured in the course curriculum. The main objective of this course is to ensure that the student interacts with the Linux terminal and manage the programs running in the system by either putting them in background or foreground processes which are key in administering a given system. Upon the completion of the course, the learner can encrypt files and manage servers under Red Hat for instance HTTP, FTP, and VNC.

Knowledge and skills students develop
  • Red Hat and CentOS installation.
  • File system navigation using Linux commands.
  • File or folder management.
  • VI editors.
  • Wildcards programming.
  • Shell programming.
  • Perl scripting.
  • SHH server installation and configuration.
Requirements of this course
  • The student should download CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • The computer of the student should support CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Every learner should not skip any series since the course is a step by step training.
  • One should read the curriculum content which is available at our site in order to prepare oneself for this amazing lectures.
Examination paper design
  • The contents of the examination are based on the RHCSA curriculum content.
  • The examination will contain both definition and actual programming.
  • The questions paper design will be both single and multiple choice.
  • The examination can be done for at least one hour.
  • The student should be prepared to do 65 to 75 questions during the examination.
  • The examination is done at a price of $150.
  • It is important for students to note that passing this exam is a valid chance to receive RHCSA certification. The learner should find every revision material that is essential in passing the course.
Audience to target
  • Anyone who is preparing for the RHCSA exam.
  • Network administrators who would like to advance their knowledge about RHCSA.
  • Existing Red Hat Linux users considering taking the RHCSA.
  • Anyone who uses Linux and would like to learn this course.
  • IT professionals who want to better their understanding of Red Hat Linux.
  • Network administrators wishing to get a good job using the skills featured in the curriculum content.
Job opportunities
  • Network administrator.
  • System engineer.
  • IT expert
  • Software developer.
  • Server administrator.
  • Database Administrator.

The professionals holding RHCSA certification earn a yearly income from $250777 to $921888.


The curriculum content is well designed to cover complete RHCSA concepts that an individual need to manage a networked system that is designed to run on Linux server. The course is truly meant for technological and industrial development.

Prepared by Top Experts, the top IT Trainers ensure that when it comes to your IT exam prep and you can count on ExamSnap Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification video training course that goes in line with the corresponding RedHat EX200 exam dumps, study guide, and practice test questions & answers.

Comments (5)

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Please post your comments about EX200 Exams. Don't share your email address asking for EX200 braindumps or EX200 exam pdf files.

  • LEI
  • United Kingdom
  • Feb 10, 2025

wow! I sincerely enjoyed the course but I think it is more appropriate to install CentOS as the main operating system in our machines or computers than running virtually.

  • deverel
  • Netherlands
  • Jan 22, 2025

I believe knowing how to write shell scripts was the best start for me. I can now relate the shell scripts syntax and that of the C programming clearly and comprehensively.

  • schachar
  • United States
  • Jan 06, 2025

Great course overall! I did the assignment though it was cumbersome. I understood the Perl code but got errors while running it. make the sample code downloadable or deliver it better.

  • turner pate
  • Ireland
  • Dec 21, 2024

I learned so much in this course and almost immediately put the knowledge into practice. I reinforced the security precautions at my work and helped to address the weaknesses in our server.

  • Braylin
  • France
  • Dec 02, 2024

the course was just great having learned how to install CentOS on my windows 8 computer was the best experience I’ve ever admired to know. I like how the instructor illustrated the basic concepts.

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1601 Pages
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