PDFs and exam guides are not so efficient, right? Prepare for your ISTQB examination with our training course. The ATM course contains a complete batch of videos that will provide you with profound and thorough knowledge related to ISTQB certification exam. Pass the ISTQB ATM test with flying colors.
Curriculum for ATM Certification Video Course
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
8:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Test Planning, Monitoring and Control |
9:00 |
3. Test Analysis |
8:00 |
4. Test Design |
3:00 |
5. Test Implementation |
3:00 |
6. Test Execution |
0:00 |
7. Exit Criteria and Reporting |
2:00 |
8. Test Closure |
3:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Understanding Testing Stakeholders |
3:00 |
3. Additional Software Development Lifecycle and Activities |
7:00 |
4. Development Lifecycle and other work products |
7:00 |
5. Managing non-functional testing |
3:00 |
6. Managing experience based testing |
6:00 |
7. Risk Based Testing and other Approaches |
3:00 |
8. Risk based testing - I |
15:00 |
9. Risk based testing - II |
10:00 |
10. RIsk based Testing - III |
8:00 |
11. Test documentation and other work products - Part 1 |
15:00 |
12. Test documentation and other work products - Part 2 |
4:00 |
13. Testing Estimations |
6:00 |
14. Defining and using Test Metrics |
15:00 |
15. Business Value of Testing |
4:00 |
16. Distributed, Ousourced and Insourced Testing |
4:00 |
17. Managing the application of Industry Standards |
3:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
4:00 |
2. Management Reviews and Audits |
3:00 |
3. Managing Reviews |
7:00 |
4. Metrics of Reviews |
2:00 |
5. Managing Formal Reviews |
2:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Defect Lifecycle and Software Development Lifecycle |
6:00 |
3. Defect Report Information |
4:00 |
4. Assessing Process Capabilities |
2:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Test Improvement Process |
2:00 |
3. Improving the Testing Process |
4:00 |
4. Improving Testing Process with TMMi |
2:00 |
5. Improving Testing Process with TPI Next |
1:00 |
6. Improving Testing Process with CTP |
1:00 |
7. Improving Testing Process with STEP |
1:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Tool Selection |
13:00 |
3. Tool Lifecycle |
2:00 |
4. Tool Metrics |
2:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction |
1:00 |
2. Individual Skills |
6:00 |
3. Test Team Dynamics |
5:00 |
4. Fitting Testing within an Organization |
5:00 |
5. Motivation |
3:00 |
6. Communication |
3:00 |
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File Name | Size | Votes |
File Name istqb.testking.atm.v2024-11-16.by.martina.28q.vce |
Size 182.05 KB |
Votes 1 |
File Name istqb.realtests.atm.v2021-05-05.by.agustin.28q.vce |
Size 182.05 KB |
Votes 2 |
ISTQB ATM Training Course
Want verified and proven knowledge for Advanced Test Manager? Believe it's easy when you have ExamSnap's Advanced Test Manager certification video training course by your side which along with our ISTQB ATM Exam Dumps & Practice Test questions provide a complete solution to pass your exam Read More.
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