PDFs and exam guides are not so efficient, right? Prepare for your Microsoft examination with our training course. The AZ-700 course contains a complete batch of videos that will provide you with profound and thorough knowledge related to Microsoft certification exam. Pass the Microsoft AZ-700 test with flying colors.
Curriculum for AZ-700 Certification Video Course
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction to Networking |
7:00 |
2. Virtual Networks and Subnets |
4:00 |
3. DEMO: Create an Azure Virtual Network |
8:00 |
4. DEMO: Azure Virtual Network Security Tab |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction to Site-to-Site VPNs |
5:00 |
2. Virtual Network Gateway SKUs |
7:00 |
3. Local Network Gateway |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction to Point-to-Site VPNs |
10:00 |
2. Tunnels and Authentication Types |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Introduction to ExpressRoute |
6:00 |
2. DEMO: Create an ExpressRoute Gateway |
5:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Core Networking Overview |
5:00 |
2. Create and Delete Subnets |
3:00 |
3. Add Resource to Subnet |
4:00 |
4. Security for Resources on the Same Subnet |
4:00 |
5. Security for Resources on Different Subnets |
2:00 |
6. Planning Subnets |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Public DNS Zones |
3:00 |
2. Create and Use a Public DNS Zone |
8:00 |
3. Create and Use a Private DNS Zone |
6:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. VNet Peering Concepts |
5:00 |
2. Demo: Create a Peering Relationship Between Two Networks |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Virtual WAN |
6:00 |
2. Virtual WAN Hub Demo |
5:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Azure Routing |
3:00 |
2. Route Tables and Custom Routes |
8:00 |
3. Forced Tunneling in PowerShell |
8:00 |
4. Create a S2S VPN in PowerShell |
2:00 |
5. Set Network Gateway Default Site |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Azure Load Balancing Solutions |
7:00 |
2. Choosing the Right Load Balancing Solution |
4:00 |
3. Overview of Azure Load Balancer Service |
4:00 |
4. Create a Load Balancer DEMO |
11:00 |
5. Testing a Load Balancer |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Create an Application Gateway DEMO |
8:00 |
2. Test the Application Gateway |
2:00 |
3. Rewrite HTTP Headers |
5:00 |
4. Application Gateway Scaling |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Create a Front Door DEMO |
7:00 |
2. Test the Front Door |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Create a Traffic Manager DEMO |
3:00 |
2. Test the Traffic Manager |
3:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Create a Virtual NAT |
6:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Azure Firewall |
2:00 |
2. Create an Azure Firewall |
3:00 |
3. Setup an Azure Firewall Policy |
6:00 |
4. Test an Azure Firewall |
7:00 |
5. Overview of Azure Firewall Manager |
3:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Network Security Groups (NSGs) |
5:00 |
2. Assign Custom Inbound and Outbound Rules |
6:00 |
3. Associate an NSG with a Subnet or a NIC |
4:00 |
4. Create an Application Security Group (ASG) |
4:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Web Application Firewalls (WAF) |
2:00 |
2. WAF Policies |
4:00 |
3. Test WAF Custom Policies |
2:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Overview of Monitoring Networks |
4:00 |
2. Enable Network Diagnostics |
7:00 |
3. Connection Monitor |
6:00 |
4. Testing a Connection Between Endpoints |
3:00 |
5. Traffic Analytics |
6:00 |
Name of Video | Time |
1. Azure Private Link Service Overview |
2:00 |
2. Create Standard Load Balancer |
5:00 |
3. Create Azure Private Link and Private Endpoint |
6:00 |
4. Test Azure Private Link Service |
2:00 |
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File Name microsoft.certkey.az-700.v2024-12-02.by.freya.46q.vce |
Size 2.76 MB |
Votes 1 |
File Name microsoft.braindumps.az-700.v2022-01-18.by.henry.48q.vce |
Size 2.88 MB |
Votes 1 |
File Name microsoft.actualtests.az-700.v2022-01-01.by.ollie.29q.vce |
Size 1.5 MB |
Votes 1 |
File Name microsoft.testking.az-700.v2021-10-01.by.tommy.34q.vce |
Size 1.62 MB |
Votes 1 |
Microsoft AZ-700 Training Course
Want verified and proven knowledge for Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions? Believe it's easy when you have ExamSnap's Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions certification video training course by your side which along with our Microsoft AZ-700 Exam Dumps & Practice Test questions provide a complete solution to pass your exam Read More.
Prepared by Top Experts, the top IT Trainers ensure that when it comes to your IT exam prep and you can count on ExamSnap Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions certification video training course that goes in line with the corresponding Microsoft AZ-700 exam dumps, study guide, and practice test questions & answers.
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