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HRCI PHR Certification Practice Test Questions, HRCI PHR Exam Dumps

ExamSnap provides HRCI PHR Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The HRCI PHR Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted HRCI PHR Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.

Human Resources Core Knowledge - Functions and Activities

4. Personnel management and administrative functions (4)

There are five essential considerations for deciding on the type of survey to use. First, the goals for conducting the survey Without tangible goals, it is impossible for you to address any of the other survey considerations. Next, the sample of employees to be surveyed This is important because surveying the wrong group can cause distorted results that fail to address the problems that you have targeted. The timeframe for completing a survey Some methods take longer than others, so time is an important consideration. Next, the company culture. Employees are most likely to participate in a survey and respond honestly if the survey matches the company culture. And finally, an employer's history with using surveys If there is a positive history, employees are most likely to respond positively. If, however, the employer has a history of collecting data and not acting on the findings, employees may react negatively or decide it's not worth their time. Job analysis is the process of determining what types of tasks, qualifications, and working conditions are involved in the job. It also includes clearly defining any reporting relationships assigned to that role. The three key aspects of job analysis are first, knowledge as information and understanding as required to perform the role. Next, skills, or the proficiency necessary, And finally, abilities, the required capabilities. These are also known as KSA. Now, there are a number of methods used to perform job analysis, including observation, interviews, and open-ended questionnaires.

5. Personnel management and administrative functions (5)

Once a thorough job analysis has been completed, an accurate job description can be created. This includes the job title and a brief overview of the position; how the position fits into the reporting structure; a list of tasks and responsibilities; and the KSAs required. The overview is a brief description of the reason the job exists and the primary duties and responsibilities involved. The reporting structure explains where the position fits into the company hierarchy and specifies who a successful candidate will report to and who the employee will supervise. taken from the job, analyses the job description list and prioritizes relevant responsibilities and duties. Remember to avoid emulating previous job holders' responsibilities. The job description is intended to outline what a company needs rather than how someone else performed in the role. The final section of the good job description list is required. Qualifications and abilities These are determined by the skills needed to perform the primary duties outlined in the job analysis. You can only specify needed skills, attributes, or credentials when you know what task the job holder will be responsible for.

6. Personnel management and administrative functions – Review

Personal management and army study functions Review: Before we move on, we are going to pause for a moment so that you can answer some review questions. If you don't keep records as required, you and your organization could be cited for under recordkeeping requirements of federal laws. Which guidelines should be followed to help manage records properly? Here you have the options to: maintain records for the required length of time; create a document retention policy; arrange to have regular inspections; and/or create a sense of ownership for managers. And this is the answer for you to compare. Option One: This option is correct. Collecting and maintaining legally required employment records is a guideline that should be followed to help manage records properly. Laws can contain explicit or implicit recordkeeping requirements, and there can be individual state requirements as well. In addition to specifying what records must be kept, these laws may also dictate how they must be kept and for how long. Option Two:

This option is correct. A good document retention policy can help reduce general business risk. It will preserve documents that can protect the business in the event of litigation, audit, control disputes, and other matters where documents can be used to support or oppose a particular position. Option 3D is not correct. The federal agency decides when it will be conducting inspections. You don't need to arrange for them to make regular inspections. Option Four: This option is incorrect. Creating ownership is a guiding principle of change management, not a guideline that helps manage recordkeeping. Organizations should use employee feedback programmers to regularly collect information from employees on job-related perceptions.

One of the methods used is an employee opinion survey, in which case examples of employee opinion surveys are used. Here we have the options a company asks every employee to answer a series of questions on job satisfaction. An employee completes a survey on reward systems that is stored on the company's webpage. A facilitator leads a group session about company decision-making processes. An employee is asked privately how the human resources department could be more effective. A group of employees meets to create a policy on documentation retention, and an employee uses the company's website to better understand the business culture. And this is the answer for you to compare. Option One: This option is correct. Traditional written employee opinion surveys are the least expensive and can easily be distributed to a large number of respondents.

The survey consists of open-ended questions where respondents answer in their own words and closed-ended questions where options are selected. Option Two: This option is correct. Online employee opinion surveys use similar questions as written employee opinion surveys. The difference is that the employee online employee opinion survey can be stored on the network so that everyone who is required to respond has easy access to it. This survey type is cost-efficient and convenient when all respondents have access to a personal computer. Option three is the correct option is correct. Focus group employee opinion surveys are conducted by a skilled facilitator and involve sessions of about six to ten employees.

The facilitator makes notes on the group's overall perceptions as well as the opinions of the individuals. Though time-consuming and costly, this survey type enables the facilitator to discover the reasoning behind certain opinions. Option Four: This option is correct for employees. Opinion survey interviews are similar to focus group employee opinion surveys except that this type takes place between an interviewer and an interviewee. This survey type provides the interviewer with specific information about why an interviewee has a particular opinion, but the individual approach makes the survey type expensive and unsuitable for surveying a large number of employees. Option Five: This option is incorrect when a group of employees meets to accomplish a specific objective, such as creating a policy. They form a task force. A task force is not a survey type used to gauge employee satisfaction and Option Six:

This option is incorrect. A company's website can be a valuable source of information for employees and be helpful in understanding the mission, vision, and values of a company. But reviewing information on a company's web page is not a method used to survey employee satisfaction. After doing a thorough job analysis, you can create a job description. Which components should be included in a job description? Here are the options a brief summary of the primary reason for the job; an explanation of where the position fits within the company hierarchy; a list of relevant responsibilities and duties; a description of required qualifications and skills; the level of compensation for the job; and a list of responsibilities of previous employees in that position And this is the right answer. Option One: This option is correct in the overview. You can provide a succinct description of the primary reason for the job and its main responsibilities. The primary and secondary duties identified in the job analysis will inform your description. Option Two: This option is correct The reporting structure explains where the position fits into the company's hierarchy and specifies with whom a successful candidate would deal. It clarifies who supervises the employee and who the employee supervises.

Option Three: This option is correct in the job description list and prioritizes relevant responsibilities and duties. This task should meet the company's needs and not replicate the duties of present employees. Avoid using too much detail, acronyms,or obscure or gender-biased terminology. Option Four This option is correct. The final section of a good description list requires qualifications and skills. These are determined by the skills needed to perform the primary duties outlined in the job analysis form. You can only specify needed skills, attributes, or credentials when you know what tasks the job holder will be responsible for. Option five: This option is incorrect. It is recommended that you avoid setting a level of compensation for a job in a job description because remuneration is frequently influenced by unforeseen factors. Option six is incorrect. You should avoid modelling your responsibilities on those of previous jobholders. If the job description outlines what the company needs rather than how someone is currently performing the role, the interviewers have a better chance of finding a candidate who can carry out the job to their standards and expectations. You.

7. Analysis, Financial Management, and Vendor Management (1)

Analysis, financial management, and vendor management. Your goal should be to establish what is right instead of who is right. In topic two, analysis financial management and Vendor management, our focus will be on identifying qualitative and quantitative methods and tools for analyzes, interpretation, decision making, budgeting concepts, and vendor selection and management. The idea of cost versus benefits is the foundation of any personal or business decision that impacts finances. A cost benefit analysis might help a company decide whether or not an initiative is worthwhile. It also might help a team predict whether venture will yield, expect a result, or if a certain project is a good choice. To properly conduct a cost benefit analysis, you will need to follow six steps. First, identify project benefits that are the positive factors or those that make the project potentially worthwhile. Second, express project benefits by translating the benefits into dollar amounts, timing, and duration. Three identify the project cost factors by carefully considering all obvious and hidden factors that add to the cost of the project. Fourth, estimate project cost factors by translating cost into total dollar amounts and expenditure periods hereto decide how to measure our cost, even ones that may occur late in project implementation or ones that are difficult to capture. Fifth, calculate the net project gain or loss by subtracting all costs from all financial benefits and determining whether the project will gain or lose money. And 6th finally, decide on project liability. Return on investment or ROI. Calculations are one of the most popular financial measures where different projects are being considered. ROI helps employers evaluate and select alternatives based on cost and benefit, and it's used during steps four and five of the decision-making process. Constant benefits are expressed in dollars and then compared for each alternative.

8. Analysis, Financial Management, and Vendor Management (2)

A breakeven analysis is an approach used to figure out the point in time when total revenue equals total cost, or the breakeven point. In order to calculate the breakeven point, you need to divide the total cost by the total savings and then multiply that by time increment, for instance, years and months. Financial statements are another important area that HR professionals should be familiar with. For example, by examining certain statements such as annual gross profits, you can compare data over time and predict trends. Financial management is another area that HR professionals should be familiar with because the accounting and budgeting functions are key HR partners.

The objectives of finance and accounting are twofold: accounting deals with accounts receivable and payable; the company's checkbook, so to speak. For example, pricing and developing financial models help other departments and business units manage the financial side of their activities. Financial management is another area that professionals, especially HR professionals, should be familiar with. Taken together, financial statements show a complete and true picture of an organization's financial health. The income statement shows how much profit or loss an organization has made during a specified time period. The cash flow statement shows cash coming into and leaving the organization over that same period. And the balance sheet shows the financial position of the organisation at a specific point in time. Managing vendors is different from managing an onsite work team. Some challenges include geographic separation, different time zones, and sometimes cultural differences. Your responsibilities may increase when you are working with a vendor because of the complexities of managing people who are off site.

Study with ExamSnap to prepare for HRCI PHR Practice Test Questions and Answers, Study Guide, and a comprehensive Video Training Course. Powered by the popular VCE format, HRCI PHR Certification Exam Dumps compiled by the industry experts to make sure that you get verified answers. Our Product team ensures that our exams provide HRCI PHR Practice Test Questions & Exam Dumps that are up-to-date.

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  • Dec 30, 2024

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  • Nov 08, 2024

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  • Oct 21, 2024

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