NI Certification Exam Dumps, Practice Test Questions and Answers

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NI Certification Exam Dumps, NI Certification Practice Test Questions

Prepared by Leading IT Trainers with over 15-Years Experience in the Industry, Examsnap Providers a complete package with NI Certification Practice Test Questions with Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guides, and NI Certification Exam dumps in VCE format. NI Certification VCE Files provide exam dumps which are latest and match the actual test. NI Certification Practice Test which contain verified answers to ensure industry leading 99.8% Pass Rate Read More.

NI is a reputed multinational company based in Austin, Texas, USA. Founded in 1976, such an organization specializes in producing ATE (Automated Test Equipment) as well as Virtual Instrumentation software. More so, NI prides themselves on their values which are "be bold, be kind, and be connectors". All in all, this vendor offers a three-part LabVIEW certification process that is of great use for individuals seeking to build credibility and expertise in the field. This is discussed in further detail below.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Certification

The CLAD certificate is the first in NI's three-part LabVIEW certification process. This certification suggests that an individual possesses a wide understanding of LabVIEW as well as a fundamental understanding of coding. It also suggests that an individual is skilled in reading and understanding existing code. In addition to that, it also implies an ability in the documentation. To gain the designation, however, one must take the relevant CLAD exam, offered by NI. Individuals can select their choice of LabVIEW or LabVIEW NXG as the exam environment when registering for the CLAD evaluation.

  • Who Is CLAD Designation for?

    In brief, the CLAD certification is designed and recommended for individuals with a minimum of six months or more experience developing in a LabVIEW environment. What is more, NI suggests individuals take the LabVIEW Core 1 and LabVIEW Core 2 courses. These classes may serve as a substitute for three months of experience developing in a LabVIEW environment. Please note that although these practices are recommended by the certification vendor, they are not obligatory for one to take the actual exam.

  • CLAD Test Topics

    Such an exam tests individuals on various topics. They are LabVIEW programming environment, hardware, LabVIEW basics for programming, and best practices for programming. In particular, here, you’ll acquire knowledge of the areas like subVIs, clusters, arrays, data types, etc.

  • CLAD Exam Details

    The CLAD test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions with four answers, where test-takers must pick only one. To add more, the test must be completed within 60 minutes. Individuals may take the exam online or at an official PSI testing center. Then, individuals are required to obtain a score of 70% or more to pass. This certification has a validity period of two years from the date of issue. After this validity period ends, individuals must retake the CLAD exam and pass it if they wish to remain certified.

About Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) Validation

The CLD certification is presented to individuals who take and successfully pass the related CLD evaluation. This CLD exam suggests that an individual can design and expand on functional programs while efficiently reducing development time and securing maintainability via correct documentation methods and style. Individuals who obtain the certification can provide technical guidance to engineers with less experience. This ensures that the team is a competent and efficient group of LabVIEW programmers.

  • CLD Exam objectives

    All in all, the NI CLD validation tests individuals on 10 topics. They are design notions like scalability & file structure, practices for interface users, design principles for block diagrams, practices for programming, subVI sketch, selection for design samples, errors, timing, papers, and the testing process.

  • CLD Facts

    For this 4-hour exam, it is advisable but not mandatory that individuals must have a valid CLAD certification. Also, NI recommends that test takers have 12 to 18 months of developing an experience for medium to large applications in LabVIEW. To know more, this certification is valid for three years from the date of issue. After an individual passes the related exam and gains this designation, they may proceed to acquire the third and final certification in the NI LabVIEW certification program - the Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA).

Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA) Designation

To obtain the NI CLA certification, one must take and successfully pass the namesake CLA exam. This certificate is the third and final step in NI's LabVIEW certification process. Such an evaluation ensures an individual's capability in building a practical VI hierarchy and project plan to convey an application that satisfies a range of high-level requirements. Individuals that earn the CLA qualification can provide technical guidance, making sure that their team follows the best practices and is a group of efficient and competent developers.

  • CLA Tested Areas

    Simply put, the CLA exam assesses individuals on 5 topics. They are project requirements, project organization and hierarchy, project architecture & design, team-based design, development, and standardization practices, and finally, reusable tools or component design. Note that this exam also tests individuals on topics from the CLAD and CLD discussed earlier.

  • CLA Features

    For this exam, it is a prerequisite that individuals must have a valid CLD certification. Also, it is a 4-hour exam and the certification, once earned, is valid for a period of four years from the date of issue.

Career Opportunities

When it comes to the career prospects to explore once getting NI certified, here’s what to expect from the three aforementioned certificates. Thus, the entry-level CLAD designation will qualify you for the roles of a test engineer, software engineer, controls engineer, etc. What concerns the annual pay, received by those specialists, it is estimated at around $76k per year. Then, the CLD validation will qualify you for the duties of an electrical or optical engineer, and are entitled to claim almost $82k annually. Finally, the NI CLA qualification is the highest level of LabVIEW knowledge that prepares you for the posts of a senior software engineer or senior software developer with an average yearly salary of $95k per annum. Note that all of these salaries are provided by, the renowned platform for detailing remunerations.

Career Path

Apart from the validations offered above, NI also offers further certifications that individuals may achieve to broaden their scope such as:

  • Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer (CLED);
  • Certified TestStand Developer (CTD);
  • Certified TestStand Architect (CTA).

So, pick the certificate to your liking and start pursuing it by first exploring the related details on the vendor’s website.

100% Real & Latest NI Certification Practice Test Questions and Exam Dumps will help you prepare for your next exam easily. With the complete library of NI Certification VCE Exam Dumps, Study Guides, Video Training Courses, you can be sure that you get the latest NI Exam Dumps which are updated quickly to make sure you see the exact same questions in your exam.

Comments (3)

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  • Tecla
  • Belgium
  • Mar 12, 2025

NI CLAD sample questions provided here really helped me. I was a bit doubtful about myself when I was heading to the exam room but I passed :)

  • terry
  • Malta
  • Feb 12, 2025

@Maryanne, I agree that the CLAD exam is difficult. actually, it’s up to you which materials you use in your preparations but I personally always use dump materials at the end of my preparations for exams. the least I can say - this site on average has comprehensive dump materials and basically, the majority of them are free of charge

  • Maryanne
  • Ireland
  • Jan 15, 2025

imho, the clad exam was VERY difficult. I didn’t pass the 1st attempt,now looking to enhance my practice. never liked exam dumps but now have second thoughts about them. are they worth time and money? thx

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