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Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Certification Practice Test Questions, Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Exam Dumps

ExamSnap provides Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.

Power Apps - Canvas Apps

6. Components

In this lecture we'll talk about components and component libraries, which are applicable to powering up Canvas applications. So if you go here, if you go to applications, you will see all the applications, but here you will see component libraries also. So component libraries can be used to create a new component here and then use this component across different applications and across different builders. And if you go to some specific application and edit it,you can come here, and here you can create components. Now, these components are used within a particular application and across all the screens. So if you go here and click on components, then you can create a new component. You can also import and export components to share them with different builders. But then it is recommended that you use component libraries instead. Custom is also available in the insert menu. And here you can also create a new component and import and export components. So components are basically reusable building blocks for Canvas applications so that application makers can create custom controls to use inside an application.

Now, suppose you are creating an application that should have a similar look and feel across all the screens. So you can create a component and then use that. So what will happen is if you update the component definition inside an application, all instances in the application will update automatically, and you don't have to go to each screen to make those changes. Now we saw that if you go here and then click on components here, you can create a component. Now, this component will be visible in your application. So under custom components you will see all the components created and then you have library components, which we saw can be shared across applications and in components, you also have the option of export and import. As a result, instead of using the import and export features, we should use componentlibrary. And these are component libraries here on the application screen, and the components created in componentlibraries will be shown in library components here. So, by creating a component library, application makers can easily share and update one or more components with other makers. So we are talking about components which are used within an application for consistent interfaces and component libraries which can be shared with others. So if you use components, you don't need to do manual import and export and those become visible in the component libraries section of the Power apps. So that's about components and component libraries. Thank you.

7. Offline Mode

In this lecture we'll talk about how to run applications in Power Apps Applications Offline Mode, so let's go. First is, if you go to a table and go to settings, under more settings, under Offline, you have to enable Mobile Offline. Now this is automatically set for all standard entities, but for custom entities you need to set it manually. After you have done that, you go to ourplatform Admin Center and under Environment Settings, users and permissions, we have mobile configuration. Here you create a new profile and you can add users to it and add tables to it. So let us add a few tables. Let us add the account table. So, whenever we add a table, we have options such as rows to select organization, relatedrows, or custom relationship, and sync interval. For the sync interval, you can choose from 5 minutes to one day. So we have added the account table and we enabled offlineon the cruise table, so that is why it is coming up here and we have added the cruise table. So, on this mobile offline profile, we specify which entities or tables have errors, as well as which users. Then we go back to power apps and look at the sample model driven in this model-driven app.

If you go to properties, we have an option to enable mobile offline, and once we do that, we can select which profile we need to use. So to recap, we enable the for offline entities that your app uses. So we added account table and cruise table. This is the option we use to create a mobile offline profile that determines what exactly what is stored on a user's mobile device. So we went to the Admin Center and specified the data. Then we added users that can access the app offline to the profile. And lastly, we enabled the model-driven app for mobile Offline and assigned the profile to your app. So this is a screenshot of creating a mobile offline file. When we click on this option, we can add tables and users. While we are adding a table, we can have the sync interval and various other options. Here we assign a mobile offline profile to our model-driven app. You can also enable canvas apps to work in offline mode. So what you have to do for that is use local collections and then load data and save data. So saving data will save the data to mobile internal storage and loading data will load the same data, whichever we have saved. So that is how, if the mobile is not online, you can use the store data and save data functions to work on that locally till it becomes online. Thank you.

8. Offline Mode – Coding

In this lecture we will talk about how you can create a Power Apps canvas application which can work in an offline mode without an internet connection. So we'll talk about how to build an offline application. So, in order to build a good offline application, you must use local connections for data management. So local connections are basically like arrays where you can store your data and then load data and save data for basic storage functions when offline. So saved data saves the data locally on your mobile device, whereas loaded data loads the same data into application memory. So you have a connection object which lets you check whether the application is offline or online. So you can put the if condition on the connection object and then use collections and leverage load data and savedata functions for basic data storage when offline.

Now, there are some limitations. These functions are obviously limited by the amount of available application memory because they operate within an in-memory collection, and the mobile typically has 30 to 70 MB of available memory. And these functions also don't automatically resolve many conflicts when they come online. So, if two users make changes offline and then come online, many conflicts are not resolved automatically and must be programmed. Now, this is what your flow will look like when you're coding. So, if the application is online, save the data to the database; otherwise, save the data to local memory and check for updates on a regular basis. And whenever it comes online, you load the data from local memory and save it to the database. So connection connected will return true if you're online. save data will save the collection to the database, load the data from the collection into the application, and then save it to the database again. Now, tier collect is another option that resets the collection to a set value. So that's about it. Now here we have learned how to create an offline canvas application and how to programme for it.

Power Apps - Model Driven Apps

1. Sample Model Driven Application

So far, we've discussed PowerAppscanvas-driven applications. Now we'll talk about a model-driven application. So, once you have your power apps, these four model-driven applications are installed by default. That's a checkout innovation challenge, fundraising, and solution health club. We'll look at a fundraiser. So this is what the UI fundraiser looks like. You have a dashboard fundraiser, donations. So on the dashboard, you have four active fundraisers and twelve donations. And out of these twelve, five are waiting for payment and the seminar paid. You can also show a visual filter. And you have donations by category, donations by fundraiser, and total donations versus goals to fundraiser. You see these four fundraisers, and you can create a new one. And we have this fundraiser,but it doesn't have a goal. So let us add a goal here. So we have a goal.

So we go to the fundraisers and then we add a donation to it. So, you have this donation here. And if you go to donations, you will see the donation we have just added. So, this is a high-level overview of a sample model driven application. We have these four applications installed by default. Model-driven applications connect to the database as a data source. All the model-driven applications will have a similar look and feel based on underlying entities in the database, which is similar to the Dynamics 365 CRM interface for sample applications, which is created by default as shown in the screenshot below. So if you go and say edit, it will take you to the application designer and you will see that you have a dashboard business process flow and two entities. One donation and one fundraiser So, we saw this screenshot. This is a dashboard. Then these are all the fundraisers where you can create a new fundraiser. This year, we are creating a new fundraiser. Then you can create a new donation. These are all the lists of donations. And that's it for our sample application. Thank you.

2. Forms, Views, Charts & Dashboards

In this lecture we'll talk about forms, views, charts, and dashboards. Forms are basically used to display your data,add a record, or update a record. Views are if you want to look at certain columns or certain rows of your table. Charts are visual representations of your data, and dashboards are basically a combination of different charts on one screen. So let us look at forms. So if you go to any table, you have a column for forms and you have different types of forms here, like main, quick view form, card form, and things like that. Let us go and edit the form in a new tab. Here you will see the form and you can make any changes to this form. You will see all the components available on a table can be shown in this form. Now different forms will serve different purposes, and you will see that each form has three sections: header, journal, and footer.

This is the header section. This is the footersection, and the journal is the main body section. In the main body section you will have different tabs, and under each tab you will have all the components. Now we have four different form types. Mainform is the primary user interface. It contains the fields and it can be used at different places. As a result, security rules can be assigned to main forms. Quick View forms are used to have a quick view of a particular entity. It shows reference data. For example, if you want to show contact in accountform, you'll use a contact with your form data in preview controls. QuickView forms do not support scripts with create form. It is used to create data. So suppose you are on an account entity and you want to create a contact, so you will use the contact form and then you have cards. Cards are visual representations of data which are generally shown in dashboards. As a result, if a user has access to multiple forms, the selected form will appear near the top of the form. And if the user has access to only a single form, then there's no form selector available. So we'll just take a look at form elements. form is organised into header, body, and footer, and the body is further structured into areas that are called text that contain sections. And custom controls let you transform fields that traditionally contain text into visualizations. So we had a look at this. So you'll go to a link table. You can add a form to it. It can be a main view form with a createform or card form, and then you can either add a form or edit an existing form.

So on the right hand side, you will have a table. So if you go and you have these table prospects here, Then you can add any form. You have various abilities, such as hiding. Label. Phone concealment The phone is only used to save some space on the phone You can add a component and then you can have different visual representations of a component, like radial log will be like this, then flip switch is like this, on and off switch, then star rating is you have five stars, you can give and select the star rating, then numberinput can be represented like this, and linear letter is represented like a single line, you have QuickView.subgrid and Timeline. So Quick View Control displays startup from a record that is selected in a lookup on the form. For example, on the account form, you might want to display all the details of the primary contact line on the account home. Now subgrade displays a list of records or charts and Timeline control provides a combined place to view customer interactions, includingactivities and notes, all in one location, so it is shown in a timeline view on which activity is created first and later and so on. Now each form has an event handler, so these are triggered on load, which is triggered when the form loads, and on save, which is triggered when the form saves. When the data is saved, a tab state change is triggered. When the tab is expanded or collapsed, oncharge is triggered when that and the field changes and the controllers are focused. Then the iframe on ready state completes the sticker when the content of the iPhone loads Now we have seen homes like this. From what I understand, we have three types of use systems. public and personal. System views are system use. Views, as previously stated, allow you to choose which columns or rows to display; views are the starting point for charts and reports, so whenever you create a chart, you will select a source view for the chart. Now, these are different points of view.

We have an advanced find view which will be the default view for search results, then we have an associated view where we can use view related entities like you can use accountassociated on a contact page. If you want to see account details, it will use account associated view. The lookup view is used by default when a lookup field is placed on a form, so whenever you are entering data and for you to look up account relatedto the data, then lookup views are used and The Quickfind view displays search results and determines which fees are used to determine search results. This is a quick find view, so there's only one quick point view per entity. These are examples of advanced fine views. Lookup view and Quickfinder So these are the views now coming to charts, so let us go back to this window. So these are views, and we have these views where we can edit a particular view or we can add a view also. And then coming to charts, we have this chart. And if you look at this chart, this is basically forecasted revenue by stage, where we have forecasted revenue count and stage, it's a bar chart. So there are two types of charts again, a system chart and a personal chart. System charts are available to all users, and personal charts are available to the user who has created them, and he or she can share them with his or her colleagues. And charts are based on a single entity. So we saw a chart here just now. So this chart is basically all the account counts by industry. So this is an example which we have seen in an earlier lab where you can show which charts are available for this model-driven app. So these are accounts by industry, which we just saw is creating a new chart. We are selecting industry and account rating here. So that was about charts now coming to dashboards. So we have dashboards here. Let us create a new dashboard. Once you create a new dashboard, we'll give it a name and just select the stream. So we want to select all the active prospects.

So we have active prospects here. Let us add a chart to it. We have a chart of forecasted revenue bystream and we are able to add this chart and we can save our dashboard. So, the dashboard is an interactive experience Dashboard boards come in two forms, so we have two types of dashboards: multistream and single stream. Multistream dashboards are also called tierone dashboards, while single stream dashboards are called tier two dashboards. Multistream dashboards display data from multiple entities and single stream dashboards display data from a single stream or entity. So we can configure each of the columns if they appear in the Global Filter in the interactive experience. If you select it, then under Filter, GlobalFilter options, the field will show up as sort of an interactive experience dashboard. If we select this option, it will appear when we sort options on the dashboard. These are images of what we just saw. We are creating a new dashboard. We have added a stream and we have added a component or a chart. These are the same screenshots we just saw. We created a new dashboard, we added a stream, and then we added a component. So we talked about forms, views, charts, and dashboards in this lecture, and we saw a simple lab also. Thank you.

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