Chapter 1 Develop Azure Infrastructure as a Service Compute Solution

Today, cloud computing is a consolidated reality that any company or professional should consider when developing or maintaining new or existing products. When you are planning for developing or deploying an application, you can choose between two main models of cloud services, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Platform as a Service (PaaS), and each model has its own pros and cons.

In this chapter, we will review how to work with the options that Azure makes available to you for developing your solutions based on the Infrastructure as a Service model.

Skills covered in this chapter:

Important Have you read page xvii?

It contains valuable information regarding the skills you need to pass the exam.

Skill 1.1: Implement solutions that use virtual machines (VM)

One of the main characteristics of the IaaS model is the greater level of control that it offers when deploying the infrastructure needed for your application. Typically, you need to work with this model because you need more control over the different elements of your application. Using IaaS, you deploy your own virtual machines where you will deploy all the needed components for solution.

Azure will provide you with all the underlying hardware and configuration needed for your virtual machine to run correctly, but you still need to manage all administrative tasks related to the VM’s operating system, such as installing operating system upgrades or security patches. Even Microsoft manages the configuration needed for providing the fault tolerance for the physical hardware that supports your virtual machine. If you require that your application or software solution be highly available, you need to manage the configuration of the VMs that host your application.

This skill covers how to:

  • Provision VMs
  • Create ARM templates
  • Configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs

Provision VMs

Deploying a VM in Azure is a straightforward process, but you still need to think about some key points if you want to achieve the best balance between the costs and your requirements. Perhaps the most obvious decision is which operating system you should use. The good news is that Azure fully supports Windows, Windows Server, and the main distributions of Linux.

All these Windows and Linux OSes are preinstalled and available to you in the Azure Marketplace as VM Images. Apart from these default VM images, you will also find other images in the marketplace from other vendors containing preconfigured solutions that may better match with your needs.

Once you have chosen your operating system, you need to decide other important aspects of the virtual machine:

  • Name This will be the name of the virtual machine. Names may be up to 15 characters long.
  • Location You need to select the geographical region where your virtual machine will be deployed. Azure has several datacenters deployed across the globe that are grouped in geographical regions. Choosing the wrong region or location may have negative effects.
  • Size This is the amount of resources that you will assign to your virtual machines. These resources include amount of memory, processing power, number of virtual NICs that you can attach to your virtual machine, and total storage capacity that will be available for your virtual machine.
  • Limits Every subscription has default quota limits. These limits can affect you when deploying new virtual machines. By default, each subscription is limited to 20 VMs per region. However, this limit can be raised by contacting Azure’s support service.
  • Extensions Extensions give you additional capabilities after the deployment of the virtual machine has finished correctly. Extensions allow you to automate some tasks or configuration once your VM has been deployed. Some of the most common extensions are
    1. Run custom scripts
    2. Deploy and manage configurations
    3. Collect diagnostic data
  • Related resources When you deploy a virtual machine, you need to think about the amount and type of storage, such as whether this VM will be connected to the Internet and need a public IP or which type of traffic is allowed to go to or from the virtual machine. Some of these related resources, as shown below, are mandatory for deploying a VM.
  • Resource group Every virtual machine needs to be contained in a resource group. You can create a new resource group or re-use an existing one.
  • Storage account The virtual disks needed by the VM are .vhd files stored as page blobs in a storage account. Depending on the performance requirements of your VM, you can use standard or premium storage accounts. If you configure managed disks when deploying a VM, the storage account is automatically managed by Azure and won’t appear in the VM configuration.
  • Virtual network To be able to communicate with the rest of the world, your new VM needs to be connected to a virtual network.
  • Network interface As in the physical world, your VM needs a network interface to connect to the virtual network for sending and receiving information.

Once you have gathered all the information that you need to deploy your VM, you are ready for deployment. You have several ways for doing this task:

  • Using the Azure Portal
  • Using PowerShell
  • Using Azure CLI
  • Programmatically using REST API or C#

In general, when you want to deploy a new virtual machine, you need to follow these steps:

  • 1. Create a resource group for the virtual machine. You can also use an existing resource group for this VM.
  • 2. Create a virtual network. If you are using the Azure Portal, you can do this while you are creating the VM. For PowerShell and Azure CLI, you need to specify the virtual network. However, if a virtual network doesn’t already exist, one is created automatically.
  • 3. Create a virtual NIC. If you are using Azure Portal, PowerShell, or Azure CLI, you don’t need to do this because it is automatically done for you during the deployment.
  • 4. Create the virtual machine.

The following piece of code shows how to create a virtual machine with managed disks in your Azure subscription.

Listing 1-1 Creating a virtual machine

//dotnet core 2.2
/* You need to create an authentication file with the following subscription=<subscription-id>
//Create the management client. This will be used for all //perform in Azure.
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromFile("./var azure = Azure.Configure().WithLogLevel(HttpLoggingDelegatingHandler..Authenticate(credentials)
//First of all, we need to create a resource group where //needed for the virtual machine.
var groupName = "az203-ResoureGroup";
var vmName = "az203VMTesting";
var location = Region.USWest2;
var vNetName = "az203VNET";
var vNetAddress = "";
var subnetName = "az203Subnet";
var subnetAddress = "";
var nicName = "az203NIC";
var adminUser = "azureadminuser";
var adminPassword = "Pa$$w0rd!2019";
//Create the management client. This will be used for all perform in Azure.
var credentials = SdkContext.AzureCredentialsFactory.FromFile("./var azure = Azure.Configure()
//We need to create the resource group where we will add var resourceGroup = azure.ResourceGroups.Define(groupName
//Every virtual machine needs to be connected to a virtual var network = azure.Networks.Define(vNetName)
.WithSubnet(subnetName, subnetAddress)
//Any virtual machine needs a network interface for connecting var nic = azure.NetworkInterfaces.Define(nicName)
//Create the virtual machine.
.WithLatestWindowsImage("MicrosoftWindowsServer", "WindowsServer",

Note: Application Requirements

To run all the examples through this book, you need to have an Azure subscription. If you don’t have an Azure subscription, you can create a free subscription for testing the code in this book.

Also, you will need to create an Azure AD application and a security principal in your Azure subscription. You need to configure these elements to grant create and modify privileges to your application. Follow the instructions in this procedure for creating the Azure AD application and the security principal. See azure/active-directory/develop/howto-create-service-principal-portal.

As you can see in Listing 1-1, we need to create each of the related and required resources separately and then provide all the needed dependencies to the Azure management client that will create the virtual machine.

Before you proceed to deploy a new VM, you also need to take into account other considerations that would affect the deployment. For example, if your application or software solution must be highly available, you would typically use a load balancer. If your virtual machines use a load balancer, you need to put your VMs that host the application into an availability set.

This will ensure that any virtual machine in the same availability set will never be on the same hardware and won’t be restarted at the same time because of software upgrades on the servers running the VM. A virtual machine may only be added to an availability set during creation of the VM. If you forget to add the VM to an availability set, you need to delete the VM and start from the beginning.

Create ARM templates

One of the biggest advantages of using Azure IaaS is the level of automation that you can achieve when deploying new services, resources, or infrastructure. One of the main reasons you can do this is because Microsoft provides you the Azure Resource Manager (ARM), which is the deployment and management service in Azure. The ARM service is in charge of creating, updating, and deleting the different kind of services you can deploy in your subscription. All actions offered by the ARM service are exposed through the same API. This means that no matter which mechanism you use-portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, Rest API, or client SDKs-you will get a consistent behavior and result when interacting with ARM.

When we work with the Azure Resource Manager, there are some concepts and terms that we need to clearly understand:

  • Resource These are the items you can manage in Azure.
  • Resource group This is a container that we use for holding resources. You can use any grouping criteria for your resources, but you need to remember that any single resource needs to be contained in a resource group. You can also use resource groups for managing different levels of management access to different groups of users.
  • Resource provider A resource provider is a service that offers the different kinds of Azure resources, and they manage the resource’s lifecycle. For example, the service in charge of offering virtual machine resources is the Microsoft.Compute provider. You can also use the Microsoft.Storage provider for storage accounts or Microsoft.Network for all networking resources.
  • Resource Manager template This is the file that you need to provide to the ARM API when you want to deploy one or more resources to a resource group or subscription. This file is written in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

The main advantage of using ARM templates is that you have the definition of all the resources that you want to deploy in a consistent structure. This allows you to reuse the same template for deploying the same group of resources in different subscriptions, resource groups, or regions. Some common scenarios in which you can take advantage of the ARM templates are disaster recovery plan implementations, high availability configurations, or automatic provisioning scenarios (such as continuous deployment scenarios). In the following code snippet, you can see the most basic structure for an ARM template.

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": { },
"variables": { },
"functions": [ ],
"resources": [ ],
"outputs": { }

Insofar as the ARM template structure is concerned, only the $schema, contentVersion, and resources sections are required to be present in a valid template. Following is a brief description of each section in a template:

  • $schema This required section sets the JSON schema that describes the version of the template you will use in the file. You can choose between two different schemas depending on the deployment type:
  • Resource group deployments You should use
  • Subscription deployments You should use
  • contentVersion In this required section, you set a value you can use for providing your internal version number to the template, such as 1.0.0. This version number is only meaningful for you; Azure does not use it. Typically, you change the version of the template when you make significant changes to the template.
  • parameters This is an optional section that you can use to set the values provided to the Resource Manager when you are performing a deployment. You can use customizable template parameters for different deployments without changing the content of the template.
  • variables This optional section contains the values that you will reuse across the entire template. You use variables for improving the usability and readability of the template.
  • functions You can use this optional section for defining your own functions to be used in the template.
  • resources This is a required section that contains all the resources that will be deployed or updated by the template.
  • outputs This optional section defines the values that the Resource Manager should return once the deployment has finished.

The ARM template that you need to use for deploying new VMs with the same configuration is shown in Listing 1-2. You may modify the values of the parameters according to your needs.

Listing 1-2 ARM template for deploying a VM

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworks_az203VNET_name": {
"defaultValue": "az203demoVNET",
"type": "string"
"networkInterfaces_az203NIC_name": {
"defaultValue": "az203demoNIC",
"type": "string"
"virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_name": {
"defaultValue": "az203demoVM",
"type": "string"
"subnets_az203Subnet_name": {
"defaultValue": "az203demoSubnet",
"type": "string"
"virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_id": {
"defaultValue": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachines_
"type": "string"
"virtualMachines_adminUser": {
"defaultValue": "azureadminuser",
"type": "string"
"virtualMachines_adminpassword": {
"defaultValue": "Pa$$w0rd",
"type": "securestring"
"variables": {
"osDiskName": "_OSDisk1_1_39c654d89d88405e968db84b722002d1"
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"name": "[parameters('virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_"apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
"location": "westus2",
"tags": {},
"scale": null,
"properties": {
"hardwareProfile": {
"vmSize": "Standard_DS2_v2"
"storageProfile": {
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "WindowsServer",
"sku": "2012-R2-Datacenter",
"version": "latest"
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Windows",
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachines_variables('osDiskName'))]",
"createOption": "FromImage",
"caching": "ReadWrite"
"dataDisks": []
"osProfile": {
"computerName": "[parameters('virtualMachines_"adminUsername": "azureadminuser",
"adminPassword": "Pa$$w0rd",
"windowsConfiguration": {
"provisionVMAgent": true,
"enableAutomaticUpdates": true
"secrets": [],
"allowExtensionOperations": true
"networkProfile": {
"networkInterfaces": [
"id": "[resourceId('
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parameters('networkInterfaces_"properties": {
"primary": true
"dependsOn": [
"type": "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces",
"name": "[parameters('networkInterfaces_az203NIC_"apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
"location": "westus2",
"tags": {},
"scale": null,
"properties": {
"ipConfigurations": [
"name": "primary",
"properties": {
"privateIPAllocationMethod": "subnet": {
"id": "[resourceId('Microsoft.subnets', parameters('virtualNetworks_parameters('subnets_az203Subnet_},
"primary": true,
"privateIPAddressVersion": "IPv4"
"dnsSettings": {
"dnsServers": [],
"appliedDnsServers": []
"enableAcceleratedNetworking": false,
"enableIPForwarding": false,
"primary": true,
"tapConfigurations": []
"dependsOn": [
subnets', parameters('virtualNetworks_az203VNET_parameters('subnets_az203Subnet_name'))]"
"type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks",
"name": "[parameters('virtualNetworks_az203VNET_"apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
"location": "westus2",
"tags": {},
"scale": null,
"properties": {
"resourceGuid": "145e7bfc-8b00-48cf-8fa1-"addressSpace": {
"addressPrefixes": [
"dhcpOptions": {
"dnsServers": []
"subnets": [
"name": "[parameters('subnets_az203Subnet_"properties": {
"addressPrefix": "}
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"virtualNetworkPeerings": [],
"enableDdosProtection": false,
"enableVmProtection": false
"dependsOn": []
"type": "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets",
"name": "[concat(parameters('virtualNetworks_parameters('subnets_az203Subnet_name'))]",
"apiVersion": "2018-10-01",
"scale": null,
"properties": {
"addressPrefix": ""
"dependsOn": [

This example has some interesting features to which we should pay attention. We have defined parameters and variables that we will use throughout the template. If you look at any parameter definition, you can see that it has three elementsâ€"paramenterName, default Value, and type. The type element is almost self-explanatory; it sets the kind of the value that this parameter will contain. The allowed types are string, securestring, int, bool, object, secureObject, and array. The parameterName is also quite straightforward and is any valid JavaScript that represents the name of the parameter. However, why use a defaultValue element instead of a value element? You use defaultValue because when you define a parameter in the template file, the only required elements are parameterName and type. The parameter’s value is actually provided during the deployment process. If you don’t provide a value for a parameter that you defined in the template, then the defaultValue will be used instead. You should bear in mind that this element is optional.

You can provide values to the parameters that you define for your template by using the command line or creating a file with the values that you want to provide to each parameter. The following example shows the content of a parameter file for the template shown previously in Listing 1-2:

"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworks_az203VNET_name": {
"value": "az203demoVNET"
"networkInterfaces_az203NIC_name": {
"value": "az203demoNIC"
"virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_name": {
"value": "az203demoVM"
"subnets_az203Subnet_name": {
"value": "az203demoSubnet"
"virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_id": {
"value": "[concat(parameters('virtualMachines_'_OSDisk1_1_39c654d89d88405e968db84b722002d1')]"
"virtualMachines_adminUser": {
"value": "azureadminuser"
"virtualMachines_adminpassword": {
"value": "Pa$$w0rd"

When you are defining the value for a parameter, you can also use functions to construct dynamic values. If you take a look at the virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_id parameter, you can see that its value is set to a function. In this case, the function returns a string that is the result of adding the string _OSDisk1_1_39c654d89d88405e968db84b722002d1 to the value of the parameter virtualMachines_az203VMTesting_name.

There are many predefined functions that you can use in your template. You can even define your own custom functions for those complicated pieces of code that repeats in your template. When working with custom functions, beware of some limitations:

  • Custom functions cannot access template variables, although you can pass them as a parameter of your function.
  • Your custom function cannot access the template’s parameters; instead, they have access only to the parameters that you define in your function.
  • Parameters on your custom function cannot have default values.
  • Your custom function cannot call other custom functions; only predefined functions may be called.
  • You cannot use the reference() predefined function.

Note: Template Reference

When you are working with ARM templates, is useful to consult the template reference for each type of resource you are configuring. You can review the complete template reference at You can also review the complete reference of predefined functions at

When we initially talked about the resources that we need for deploying a VM, we saw that there are some resources that we need for the VM to run correctly. For example, we need at least one virtual disk for storing the operating system. We also need a virtual network for connecting the VM with the world, and we need a virtual network interface card for connecting the VM to the virtual network. All those dependencies are defined in an ARM template by using the element dependsOn on each resource type. This element accepts a list of resource names, separated by commas, that define the resources that need to be deployed before the resource can be deployed. As a best practice to avoid ambiguity, you should reference any resource that you put on the dependsOn element by using its provider namespace and type. You can do this by using the resourceId() predefined function.

If we review our example, the virtual network virtualNetworks_az203VNET_name needs to be deployed before subnets_az203Subnet_name can be deployed (see Figure 1-1). The dependsOn element is needed because the resources defined in the template are not deployed in the same order that appears in the template.

Figure 1-1 Resource dependencies

Note: Child Elements vs. Dependencies

Some resources can contain other resources as child elements. This parent-child relationship is not the same as a dependency relationship. The parent-child relationship does not guarantee that the parent will be deployed before its children. You need to use the dependsOn element to ensure the correct deployment order.

Once we are happy with our template, we can deploy it to our Azure subscription by using PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure Cloud Shell, or REST API. Another interesting feature that we didn’t mention before is that you can store your template JSON files in a remote location. This remote location needs to be publicly available. If your template contains information that shouldn’t be public, you can provide that information as an inline parameter during the deployment. If you prefer your template not to be public, you can also store your template in a storage account and protect it by using an SAS token.

The following command shows how to deploy our example template using the template file az203-template.json and the properties file az203parameters.json.

#Azure CLI template deployment
az group create --name AZ203-ResourceGroup --loca az group deployment create    --name AZ203DemoDeployment 
--resource-group AZ203-ResourceGroup 
--template-file az203-template.json 
--parameters @az203-parameters.json

The previous command creates the resource group called AZ203ResoureGroup in the West US region. Then it creates a new deployment called AZ203DemoDeployment that will create the resources defined in the az203-template.json template using the values provided in the parameters file named az203-parameters.json. Note the use of the @ symbol in front of the parameters file. This is required by the az group deployment create command.

Configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs

One of the main concerns of any organization is how to protect their data.

Azure has the security of all data that is stored in one way or another in the cloud. Azure VM uses virtual disks for storing the operating system or any additional data that the VM needs. Virtual disksâ€"managed or unmanaged disksâ€"are automatically and transparently encrypted and decrypted by the Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE) service. However, the SSE service only ensures the data protection at rest. This means the virtual disk file is encrypted, but the information inside the virtual disk is not encrypted.

The good news is that you can also encrypt the content of the virtual disk by using the Azure Disk Encryption service. This service is supported by the Azure Key Vault service for storing the encryption keys that you need for encrypting your disks. The Azure Disk Encryption service also depends on the BitLocker feature for Windows VMs and the DM-Crypt feature existing in Linux VMs.

Note: Azure Key Vault

Azure provides the Azure Key Vault service for securely storing your passwords, connection strings, and any other sensitive information that your application may need. You can get more detailed information about Azure Key Vault by reviewing the article at

Before you enable disk encryption on one of your IaaS VMs, you should review the supported scenarios:

  • Enabling encryption on new Windows IaaS VMs. You can enable the encryption for VMs created from a supported Azure Gallery image or from a pre-encrypted VHD with your own encryption keys.
  • Enabling encryption of existing IaaS VMs in Azure. You can enable disk encryption for Windows or Linux VMs for the OS or data disks. Bear in mind that if you want to enable encryption on a Linux VM, you need to ensure the VM has a minimum of 7GB of memory.
  • Enabling encryption on virtual machine scale sets. For Windows VMs in a scale set, you can enable the encryption for OS and data disks. For Linux VMs in a scale set, you can only enable the disk encryption for data disks.
  • Enabling encryption on managed disks. You can also enable the encryption on IaaS VMs configured with managed disks.
  • Disabling encryption on IaaS VMs. Depending on your operating system, you have different scenarios:
  • Windows You can disable disk encryption on the OS or data disk regardless of whether the VM is a member of a scale set or is a standalone VM.
  • Linux For standalone or members of scale-set VMs, you can disable disk encryption only on data disks.
  • Backup and restore encrypted VMs. You can also protect your encrypted IaaS VMs by configuring their backups using the Azure Backup service.

You should also carefully review these non-supported scenarios:

  • You cannot enable disk encryption on basic-tier IaaS VMs.
  • You should disable encryption on OS drives for Linux IaaS VMs.
  • You should disable encryption on data drives for Linux IaaS VMs when the OS drive is already encrypted.
  • Classic IaaS VMs are not supported.
  • You should enable encryption on Linux custom images.

You cannot use the disk encryption feature for encrypting

  • Azure Files (shared folders)
  • Network File Systems (NFS)
  • Dynamic volumes
  • Windows IaaS VMs configured with a software-based RAID

Once you have evaluated the supported scenarios, you should follow the next high-level workflow (see Figure 1-2) for encrypting a Windows or Linux VM:

Figure 1-2 New VM encryption workflow
  • 1. If you plan to deploy a VM from an existing encrypted VHD from your on-premises infrastructure, you need to upload the VHD to an Azure storage account and the encryption key to your key vault.
  • 2. If you want to create a new IaaS from your custom VHD or from a Marketplace image, you need to provide the encryption configuration.
  • 3. Grant access to Azure platform to your key vault. Azure needs to be able to read needed encryption keys to be able to encrypt your IaaS VM.
  • 4. Azure configures your encrypted VM with the needed encryption key and key vault settings.

You can use following procedure for deploying the prerequisites and encrypt an existing Windows IaaS VM. In this procedure we will use Azure Cloud Shell and PowerShell:

1. If needed, create a new resource group:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name 'az203-Encrypt

2. Create a new key vault. Remember that your vault name needs to be universally unique.

$keyVault = New-AzureRmKeyVault -VaultName 'a
-ResourceGroupName 'az203-EncryptionDemo' -Loc

3. Grant Azure access to your key vault. Azure needs to access your key vault to make the encryption keys available to the VM during the boot and decryption processes:

Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName 'az
-ResourceGroupName 'az203-EncryptionDemo' -Ena

4. Grant Azure yourself access to your key vault. When you create a new key vault, all access is denied by default. You need to create an access policy for your Azure Active Directory user to be able to create a new key for encrypting disks:

Set-AzureRmKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName 'az
-UserPrincipalName '<your_AAD_username>' -Perm
Import,Delete -PermissionsToSecrets Get,List,S

5. Create a new key for encrypting the disk:

$keyEncryptionKeyName = 'az203VMEncryptionKey'
Add-AzureKeyVaultKey -VaultName 'az203DemoEncr
-Name $keyEncryptionKeyName -Destination 'Soft
$keyEncryptionKeyUrl = (Get-AzureKeyVaultKey -
-Name $keyEncryptionKeyName).Key.kid;

6. Encrypt the disks of the Windows IaaS VM. You need to ensure that you set the ResourceGroupName parameter to the resource group where the VM exists. The VM also needs to be running to enable the disk encryption extension.

Set-AzureRmVMDiskEncryptionExtension -Resource
'az203-EncryptionDemo' -VMName 'az203demoVM' -
$keyVault.VaultUri -DiskEncryptionKeyVaultId $
-KeyEncryptionKeyUrl $keyEncryptionKeyUrl -Key

Skill 1.2: Implement batch jobs by using Azure Batch

When you start a new project, you need to evaluate how you are going to implement the requirements of the application or solution that you need to implement. Sometimes, one of those requirements is that the application needs to make a lot of calculations to prepare some amount of data that needs to be presented to the user; calculations also might be processed before other components of the solution so it can work with the data. These types of tasks are usually time consuming and heavy in terms of resource needs that can negatively affect the performance of an application.

Examples include running risk simulations for a financial service application, image processing for a geographic information system (GIS), or VFX or 3D image–rendering for a movie. In all these cases, a good option for your application is to have a specialized and separate system from your main application that can run all these heavy tasks.

You can implement this specialized and separate system by deploying your own VMs or scale sets in Azure. However, in this case, you need to take care of the overhead of managing those VMs or scale sets. Another downside is that you will be charged for all the time those VMs are running, regardless of whether you are running your specialized workload (risk simulation, image analysis, 3D image–rendering, and the like).

Fortunately, Azure provides you with a service that is aimed to solve this need. Azure Batch allows you to run parallel workloads that can execute the application that makes the specialized calculations and provides you with the results. The advantages of this service are that you don’t need to take care of configuring virtual machines, clusters, and the like, and you only will be charged for the resources that your application needs while it is running.

This skill covers how to:

  • Manage batch jobs by using Batch Service API
  • Run a batch job by using Azure CLI, Azure Portal, and other tools
  • Write code to run an Azure Batch Services batch job

Manage batch jobs by using Batch Service API

When you plan to work with Azure Batch, there are some resources that are common to any workload that you may integrate into your application. These common resources are:

Batch account Every single processing resource dedicated to run your workloads needs to be managed by a batch account. You can run more than one workload inside a single batch account. You can also associate a storage account to a batch account for storing all the files, programs, and resources that your workloads may need during their execution.

Compute node A compute node is each of the computing resources that will actually run the application that performs the task you need to accomplish, such as image processing or data manipulation. Compute nodes are organized into pools.

Pool A pool is a collection of compute nodes. A pool is the resource that manages the type, size, scaling policy communication, task scheduling, network configuration, and other settings that your workload needs for running correctly. A single pool can run multiple jobs and tasks. You should bear in mind that you configure the target or desired size of your pool, but the actual size could be limited by the quota of the number of cores in the batch account.

Job Manages how the execution of the tasks is performed on each compute node in a pool. When you create a job, you can specify whether you want to create a new pool for this job or use an existing pool. It also manages other attributes, such as job priority, constraints, or the behavior of the job when all tasks are completed.

Task This type of resource performs the actual execution of your command, script, or application in a single compute node. A task is always associated to a job, and it is scheduled, queued, and prioritized by its job.

All these elements are related to each other in the high-level workflow that you see in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Creating a Batch service job

Following is a description of the workflow shown in Figure 1-3:

  1. Upload data files to a Storage Account. Every Batch account can have an associated storage account where you will store the data files that you will need for your jobs. You will also use this storage account for storing the results of your tasks.
  2. Upload application files needed for your tasks. You will use the storage account associated to the batch account to store the scripts or applications and their dependencies that need to be deployed on the compute nodes for the task to be able to run. Also, you can package all your application files and their dependencies into a zip file, called an application package, that will automatically be deployed to the compute nodes. Even if you decide to use an application package, you still need to have a storage account linked to the Batch account.

  3. Create a compute nodes pool. At this point, you set the number, the size, and the operating system of the compute nodes that will be part of this pool.
  4. Create a job. This job will be in charge of managing the tasks that will actually run the application on each compute node. You need to ensure that all needed files for the tasks are present on the compute node to be able to run the task. This is done by the job preparation task, which is executed on each compute node that is scheduled to run a task and is the first task to run in the compute node. The Batch service waits for the job preparation task to finish before starting the actual task. On the other hand, when the job is marked as completed, you can also perform some cleanup operations by using a job-release task.
  5. Add tasks to the job. A task is the actual script or application that you program for performing the desired action in the compute node. A task can upload the result of its operation to the storage account. Bear in mind that if you save the results of the task in the compute node itself, this data will be lost when the compute node is recycled or destroyed. As soon as you add the tasks to the job, the compute node starts scheduling their execution.
  6. Monitor tasks. Once you have started the execution of the tasks, you should monitor the status of the tasks. This optional step allows you to perform additional actions based on the status of the execution.

When you need to implement this workflow in your application, you need to work with two main APIs—Azure Batch Services and Azure Storage. You will use Azure Storage API for uploading and downloading files from blob containers. You will use Azure Batch for creating and deleting the pool of compute nodes; you’ll also use Azure Batch for creating, monitoring, deleting, starting, and stopping the job as well as managing, monitoring, and adding the tasks to the job.

During the configuration of a Batch job, you may have some additional requirements that are not covered with the default configuration. You can control the amount of time that a job is executing by configuring the MaxWallClockTimeExpiry setting. If the job didn’t finish all the tasks in the max wall clock time, then the Batch Account terminates the job and any pending tasks with MaxWallClockTimeExpiry. You can also control the number of times that a failing task can be relaunched by setting the MaxTaskRetryCount parameter. A task is considered to have failed if it returns an exit code different from zero. If an error occurs while downloading the assets needed for the task to perform its actions, the task can fail. In this situation, a failureInfo object is created and attached to the task. The Azure Batch account uses this object for determining whether it should finish the job after the failure of one task in the job. This action is controlled by the OnTaskFailure property (you can see this property as the When a task fails setting in the Azure Portal), and its default value is to take no action.

As we already saw, a job is in charge of managing the execution of tasks on the compute node. Azure Batch provides you with a default task manager that performs this task management. However, you can also create a job manager task for implementing your own logic when deploying and running your tasks in the compute nodes. The job manager task is executed in one of the compute nodes, and it has all the information required for creating the tasks in the job. The job manager task is managed by the batch account and is created as one of the first steps when the job is created. Because of the importance of this task, it is monitored and automatically created if the task fails. This job manager task is also a requirement if you decide to use job schedules, which allow you to create recurring tasks when you need to control the duration, frequency, and schedule of jobs created during the scheduled period.

Microsoft offers a client Batch API for .NET, Python, Node.js, and Java. If your application doesn’t use any of the previous languages, you can still work with Azure Batch from your application by using the provided REST API.

Whatever API you decide to use, you need to get the following information from your batch and storage account before you can make any API call:

Batch account name This is the name you gave to your batch account when you created it.

Batch account URL This URL has the form of https://<batch_account_name>.<region>

Batch account key This key is used for authenticating the request to the batch account. Any batch account has two separate keys. You can use either of them for authenticating, although you should only use the same key on your application.

Storage account name This is the name of the storage account associated with the batch account.

Storage account key You need to provide one of the two available keys for accessing the storage account.

In the section “Write code to run an Azure Batch Services batch job,” we will review an example of code that you can use for running jobs in Azure using C#.

Run a batch job by using Azure CLI, Azure Portal, and other tools

In the previous section, we looked at a high-level review of the Batch Service API for managing jobs. You can also use Batch Management API for managing batch accounts. However, you can also perform these actions by using other tools like PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure Portal, Azure Batch Explorer, Azure Batch Shipyard, or Azure Storage Explorer. With the exception of Azure Storage Explorer, the main advantage of using any of these tools is that they unify the Batch Service and Batch Management APIs’ capabilities into the same tool. Although Azure Storage Explorer cannot directly manage batch jobs or tasks, this tool makes developing and debugging your Batch solutions easier.

Azure Batch Explorer is a rich desktop client that you can download for Windows, Linux, or OSX. You can manage different batch accounts to view high level statistics and manage pools, jobs, job schedules, packages, or digital certificates. You can also troubleshoot the task execution by accessing to the content of each compute node in the pool.

Another interesting feature is that Azure Batch supports the execution of tasks using Docker or Singularity containers. For easing the provision, monitoring, and execution of batch workloads based on containers, you can use Batch Shipyard. The best part is that you don’t need to download or install any tool in your local environment; simply open a Cloud Shell and type shipyard in your favorite shell to run this tool.

In the next few examples, we will review the procedure for running a batch job by using these tools. The job consists of discovering the type of data that your files contain. To do so, we will use the Linux file command. For this example, we will assume that all needed resources are already created:

An Azure Batch account.

A compute nodes pool.

A storage account linked with the Azure Batch account.

A container in the storage account. This container will store the files that will be analyzed in the tasks.

A resource group that will contain all the resources needed for the Azure Batch account.

In this first example, we will review how to create a job and tasks using the Azure Portal. To start, we need to create the compute nodes pool that will execute the job:

  1. Sign in to the management portal (
  2. In the search box at the top of the Azure Portal, type the name of your Batch account.
  3. Click the search result that matches your Batch account.
  4. On the Batch Account blade, in the left column, under Features, click the Pools entry. This will open the Batch’s blade.
  5. On the Batch Pools blade, click the Add button to add a new pool. This will open the Add Pool blade.
  6. On the Add Pool blade, on the Pool Detail section, enter the Pool ID and optionally, the Display Name.
  7. On the Operating System section, select Canonical in the publisher drop-down menu, ensure that UbuntuServer is selected in the Offer drop-down menu, and select 04-LTS in the Sku drop-down menu. We won’t need data disks for these compute nodes.
  8. On the Node Size section, ensure that Standard A1 VM size is selected.
  9. On the Scale section, set the number of Target Dedicated Nodes to 4. Remember that the actual number of nodes depends on the quota limit of your subscription.
  10. Click the OK button to create the pool.

Note: Advanced Settings Creating Pools

When you are creating a compute node pool, you have more advanced options that allow you to control how to dynamically scale the number of nodes associated to the pool or create nodes from custom images. For more detail about the pool’s advanced settings, you can review Microsoft Docs at

Once we have created the pool, we can create the job and tasks. Creating a task for a job is a separate procedure that you need to perform once you have created a job:

  1. Sign in to the management Portal (
  2. In the search box at the top of the Azure Portal, type the name of your Batch account.
  3. Click the search result that matches your Batch account.
  4. On the Batch Account blade and on left side column under the Features section, click on the Jobs entry. This will open the Jobs blade.
  5. On the Jobs blade, click on the Add button to add a new job. This will open the Add Job blade shown in Figure 1-4.
  6. Figure 1-4 Creating a new Batch Service job dialog
  7. In the Job ID field, enter the value. You will need this value later if you want to manage this job from PowerShell, Azure CLI, or programmatically.
  8. On the Select A Pool To Run The Job On control, select the pool that you created in the previous procedure.
  9. Leave the remaining options as is and click OK.

Once you have created the job, you need to create the tasks that will be run by this job:

  1. On the Azure Batch Job blade, click on the job that you configured in the previous procedure. This will open a blade with the specific details of your job.
  2. In the General section, click the Tasks option, which will open the Tasks blade. You will use this blade for adding tasks to the job.
  3. On the Tasks blade, click the Add button located in the upper-right corner of the blade, which will open the Add Task blade.
  4. On the Add Task blade, in the General section, provide a Task ID and the Command Line that will be executed by this task.
  5. Complete the Advanced Settings according to your requirements. At the least, you will need to add resource files to your task. These Advanced Settings are explained below in more detail.
  6. Click Submit to create the task and add it to the job.

While you have been adding the task, you can also adjust some Advanced Settings:

Max Wall Clock Time This controls the maximum time that the task is allowed to run. If the task is not completed before this time is exhausted, the Batch account terminates the job and all its tasks.

Max Task Retry Count If a task completes with a non-zero return code, the task is considered to have failed. This setting controls the maximum times that a failed task can be retried.

Retention Time This is the time that the Batch account will maintain the data in the working directory of the task. By default, this time is 7 days, but you can customize it with this setting.

User Identity Controls the user privileges that will be used for running this task. You can select between auto-user accounts with or without admin privileges. Auto-user accounts are built-in user accounts used for running the task. You can also define your own named user accounts, but you can only programmatically attach a named user account to a task.

Multi-Instance Settings By default, tasks cannot communicate with other tasks. This setting allows your tasks to be able to communicate between them, using MPI (Message Passing Interface).

Resource Files This is a list of files that will be downloaded to the task before it runs. These files are needed for the task to do the job.

Environment Settings Defines any environment variable that your task may require to run.

Task Dependencies You can define a hierarchy of tasks by defining dependencies between them. The child task won’t run until the parent task has successfully executed. You can define the following Task Dependency types:

One-To-One A child task won’t run until its parent task has finished successfully.

One-To-Main A child task has two or more parents. Child tasks won’t run until all parent tasks have finished successfully. The parent task ID can be any string that best fits your needs.

Task ID Range This is similar to the One-To-Many dependency type, but parent task IDs need to be resolved to an integer. For example, this means that 5, 7, 008, and 256 are valid task IDs, but 3monkeys is not a valid task ID.

Application Packages An application package contains all the needed dependencies and binaries for the task to run. This setting controls the application package that will be uploaded to the task before starting its execution.

Just as we have configured a pool, a job, and its tasks using the Azure Portal, we can use PowerShell or Azure CLI to do the same. In the following procedure, we will configure a pool, a job, and its tasks using PowerShell:

  1. Open a PowerShell in an elevated session.
  2. Install the Azure PowerShell module by using the Install-Module Name Az -AllowClover cmdlet in the PowerShell window. Alternately, you can use Azure Cloud Shell. If you decide to use Azure Cloud Shell, skip ahead to step 5.
  3. Connect to your subscription:
  4. Connect-AzAccount
  5. Register the Azure Batch provider namespace. You need to perform this step only once per subscription:
  6. Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderName Micr
  7. Get the access keys for your Batch Account. In this procedure, we will use the primary account key. This is also known as the Batch context for the cmdlets. You will need to use this context on the next steps:
  8. $context = Get-AzBatchAccountKeys -AccountName
  9. Create a Batch pool. This will create a pool with four dedicated nodes. Each node is a Ubuntu 18.04.0-LTS virtual machine.
  10. $vmImage = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Azu
    PSImageReference" -ArgumentList @("UbuntuServe
    $vmConfig = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Az
    PSVirtualMachineConfiguration" -ArgumentList @
    18.04") New-AzBatchPool -Id <your_pool_id> -VirtualMac
    -VirtualMachineConfiguration $vmConfig -AutoSc
    -BatchContext $context
  11. Create a Job. When you create a job, you cannot use directly the pool object that you created in the previous step. You need to construct an PSPoolInformation object that contains the information about the pool where you will create the job:
  12. $poolInformation = New-Object -TypeName "Micro
    $poolInformation.PoolID = <your_pool_id>
    New-AzBatchJob -Id <your_job_id> -PoolInformat
  13. Create as many Batch tasks as you need:
  14. $tasks = @()
    1..4 | foreach {     $task = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Command
    PSCloudTask("SampleTask$_", "uname -a")
    $tasks += $task
    New-AzBatchTask -JobId "jobPStesting" -Tasks $

Note: Az Versus Azurerm Modules

In August 2018, Microsoft released Az, which is a new PowerShell module for managing Azure. This new module unifies the functionality of previous modules, AzureRM and AzureRM.Netcore, and it is crossplatform compatible. You can recognize cmdlets in this new module because the noun part is prefixed with Az. You can review the official GitHub page for more details. See

Write code to run an Azure Batch Services batch job

Although Azure Portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Azure Batch Explorer are powerful tools for managing or even defining Batch pools, jobs, and tasks, the most flexible approach for integrating your solution with Azure Batch is using one of the available client SDKs in your code.

In this section, we will review how to perform the same tasks that you already performed in the previous section using Azure Portal or PowerShell, but we’ll use the .Net client library. Also, we will add a little bit of complexity by including some interaction with the Azure Storage account linked to the Batch account. The tasks in the job will get information about the file type of the files that we will provide to the tasks. You will upload to the storage account all the files that the tasks will need to run. Microsoft provides separate SDKs for working with pools, jobs, and tasks, and for managing a Batch account. Azure Batch Client library is the SDK used for creating your pools, jobs, and tasks. If you need to manage a Batch account, you need to use the Azure Batch Management library.

When you are writing code for Batch jobs, you are not limited to write your code for Windows Operating System if you want to use the .NET client library. The example that we will review in this section is written in .NET Core, and you can execute it on Windows, Linux, or MacOS X.

Before you can proceed to compile this example, you need to meet some requirements:

Create an Azure Batch account.

Create an Azure Storage account and link it to the Azure Batch account.

You need .NET Core 2.1 or newer.

You need the Microsoft.Azure.Batch nuget package.

You need the WindowsAzure.Storage nuget package.

Before you can start programming the batch pools, jobs, and tasks, you need to upload the files to the storage account. You need to do this as one of the first steps because you need the references to the files in the storage account to pass them as the resource files for the tasks. You need to create a CloudBlobClient object. This object will be used for managing the access to your storage account.

//.Net Core 2.2
//Create a blob client. We will use this client f
string storageConnectionString = $"DefaultEndpoin ACCOUNT_NAME };AccountKey={ STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY }
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorage
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.Creat

Once you have the CloudBlobClient object, you need to ensure that the container that you will use for storing the images already exists. You need to get a CloudBlobContainer object for working with blob containers. Then you call the method CreateIfNotExistsAsync(), which ensures that the container is created even if it didn’t exist on your storage account. Then you need to upload the files to the blob storage by using the UploadFromFileAsync() method. This method requires the CloudBlobClient that you created for uploading the images (see Listing 1-3).

Listing 1-3 Uploading files to a Storage account

//Get a reference to the blob container. We will create if const string STORAGE_ACCOUNT_IMAGES_CONTAINER_NAME = "images";
CloudBlobContainer imagesContainer = blobClient.
//List of images your local computer that will be uploaded
List<string> inputFilePaths = new List<string>(Directory.//Create a list of references of files once they have been container
List<ResourceFile> inputImages = new List<ResourceFile>();
foreach (string imagePath in inputFilePaths)
Console.WriteLine("Uploading file {0} to container [{STORAGE_ACCOUNT_IMAGES_CONTAINER_NAME);
string blobName = Path.GetFileName(imagePath);
imagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.
GetContainerReference(STORAGE_ACCOUNT_IMAGES_CONTAINER_CloudBlockBlob blobData = container.GetBlockBlobReference(blobData.UploadFromFileAsync(imagePath).Wait();
//We access the storage account by using a Shared Access //You need to start the upload operation as soon as possible, //time for making the token immediately available.
SharedAccessBlobPolicy sasConstraints = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy
SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(Permissions = SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read
// Construct the SAS URL for blob
string sasBlobToken = blobData.GetSharedAccessSignature(string blobSasUri = String.Format("{0}{1}", blobData.ResourceFile resourceFile = new ResourceFile(blobSasUri, inputImages.Add(resourceFile);


Once you have all the files needed for the tasks to run, you need to create the Batch pool, job, and tasks. When you work with Batch Client Library for .NET, the first thing you need to do is create a batch client that will be in charge of authenticating and performing all the communication tasks with the Azure Batch account. To create a BatchClient, you need to provide the credentials that your application will use for connecting to your Batch account. These credentials are managed by a BatchSharedKeyCredentials. You need to provide the Batch account name, URL, and key for creating the BatchSharedKeyCredentials object. You can get the value for the name and URL from the Overview page in your Batch Account blade. The value for the key parameter can be obtained from the Keys sections in your Batch Account blade. You will find two different keys. You can use either of them. As a best practice, you should always use the same key for all your applications that need to access to your Batch account.

//We start by getting a Batch Account client.
BatchSharedKeyCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(ACCOUNT_URL, BATCH_ACCOUNT_NAME, BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY);
using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(batchCredentials))

Now you can create the pool, job, and tasks that will run in your Batch account. First, you need to create the compute nodes pool. To do this, you need to create an image reference for the VMs that will be included in the pool. Then, using the image reference, you can create the VM configuration. The last step will be to create the pool itself. When creating the Batch pool, you need to create a BatchPool object, fill all the required propertiesâ€"such as pool ID, number of target nodes, size of the nodes, and VM configuration â€"and then commit the changes to the Batch account for creating the pool. See Listing 1-4

Listing 1-4 Create a compute node pool

//Create the compute nodes pool
Console.WriteLine($"Creating pool {POOL_ID} ...");
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//We will use Linux VMs for this pool.
//We need to create a Linux Server image reference, VM configuration ImageReference imageReference = new ImageReference(
publisher: "Canonical",
offer: "UbuntuServer",
sku: "18.04-LTS",
version: "latest");
VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
imageReference: nodeAgentSkuId: //Create the Batch pool
CloudPool pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
poolId: POOL_ID,
targetDedicatedComputeNodes: POOL_NODE_virtualMachineSize: POOL_VM_SIZE,
virtualMachineConfiguration: vmConfiguration);
} catch (
BatchException be)
// Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that // exists
if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.{
Console.WriteLine("The pool {0} already existed when POOL_ID);
throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

Now that you have the Batch pool, you can create the job and the tasks for getting the information from the uploaded files. You need to create a CloudJob object for working with any job in the Batch pool. The way you create a job is similar to creating a pool. You need to create the CloudJob object, fill the required properties ID and PoolInformation, and then commit the changes to the Batch account for actually creating the job (see Listing 1-5).

Listing 1-5 Creating a CloudJob object

//Create the actual Batch Job
Console.WriteLine($"Creating job [{JOB_ID}]...");
CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
job.Id = JOB_ID;
job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation { PoolId = job.Commit();
} catch (
BatchException be)
//If the job already exists, we just accept it and register if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.{
Console.WriteLine($"The Job {JOB_ID} already exists...");

Now that you have your pool ready, you can create the tasks that will get the information from the files that you uploaded previously. In this case, you are going to create a task for every file that you uploaded to the storage account. You need to create a CloudTask object and use the ResourceFiles property for indicating which file will be analyzed by the task. When creating the task, you need to set the command line that will be run by the task. In this example, your task will run the file command to get the information about the file uploaded in the ResourceFiles property. Place all the tasks that you need to create in a List object that you use for storing CloudTask objects. Then you will use this list to pass the tasks to the job for so they can be executed (see Listing 1-6).

Listing 1-6 Creating the tasks to add to a job

System.Console.WriteLine($"Adding {inputImages.Count} tasks List<CloudTask> tasks = new List<CloudTask>();
//We put each file to be processed in a separate task. We //when you uploaded the files to the storage account
for (int i = 0; i < inputImages.Count; i++)
string taskId = $"Task{i}";
string imageFilename = inputImages[i].FilePath;
string taskCommandLine = $"file {imageFilename}";
CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine);
task.ResourceFiles = new List<lResourceFile> { inputImages[tasks.Add(task);

Now you can attach the list of your tasks to your job. As soon as you add the tasks to the job, the job manager will try to deploy to an available node and execute the task.

//Add all tasks to the job.
batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JOB_ID, tasks);

Once you have your tasks running inside your job in your compute nodes tool, you need to monitor them to ensure all the tasks have completed successfully. You can monitor the status of the added task by creating a TaskStateMonitor. Before you can create this monitor, you need to get the list of added tasks to the job by using the method ListTasks() in the JobOperations property of your Batch client.

//At this point, we need to monitor if tasks are failing //maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
System.Console.WriteLine($"Monitoring all tasks to be completed, {timeout}...");
IEnumerable<CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, timeout);

To get the result of the execution of each task, you need to read the content of the stdout.txt file from the node where the task was executed.

//Print tasks results
System.Console.WriteLine("Printing tasks results...");
System.Console.WriteLine("Printing tasks results...");
IEnumerable<CloudTask> completedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.foreach (CloudTask task in completedTasks)
System.Console.WriteLine($"Task: {task.Id}");
System.Console.WriteLine($"Node: {task.ComputeNodeInformation.System.Console.WriteLine("Standard output:");

Finally, you can perform some clean up by deleting the job and the pool, directly from your code.

//Clean up Batch resources

Skill 1.3: Create containerized solutions

With the evolution of technology and the emergence of the cloud, we need to meet other challenges presented by this technical evolution. One of these requirements is the ability to deploy pieces of software in a reliable and quick manner. Virtualization technologies were one of the keys for making this kind of reliable and quick deployment possible.

However, when we talk about operating system virtualization using virtual machines, one of the main drawbacks is the fact that we have a complete set of binaries, libraries, and resources that are duplicated between virtual machines. This is where containerization provides a different approach to deploying pieces of software across multiple servers in a reliable and quick manner.

A container is piece of software that packages your code and all its dependencies in a single package that can be run directly by the computer environment. When a container is executed, it uses a read-only copy of the common libraries of the operating system that your code needs to run. This reduces the required amount of resources that a container needs to run your code when compared to running the same code on a virtual machine. Container technology was originally born in Linux environments, but it also has been ported to the Microsoft Windows environment. There are several implementations of container technology in the Linux ecosystem, but Docker Containers are the most widely used.

When you move the container technology to an enterprise environment, scaling dynamically and automatically is a problem, just as it is with virtual machines. There are several available solutions, such as Docker Swarm, DC/OS, or Kubernetes. All these solutions are orchestration solutions that automatically scale and deploy your containers in the available resources.

Microsoft offers the ability to work with containers using two different services:

Azure Container Service (ACS) This is a service that allows you to deploy a production-ready cluster of Docker Swarm, DC/OS, or Kubernetes. With this service, you still need to manage and fine-tune the cluster.

Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) This is a managed Kubernetes cluster in which you only need to worry about deploying your containers and images.

Create an Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster

Kubernetes is an open-source system for orchestrating the deployment, management, and scaling of application running in containers. This means that the containers that you upload to a Kubernetes cluster are automatically balanced and distributed across the different nodes of the cluster.

Azure allows you to deploy a managed Kubernetes cluster, which means you only need to worry about the cluster nodes that run the containers. You don’t need to manage the other components that comprise the cluster and are needed to run correctly. Before we can continue with creating a managed Kubernetes service in Azure, we should review the components that are part of any Kubernetes cluster and the advantage of using a managed service like


Any AKS cluster is divided in two main components:

Cluster master nodes These are the nodes that manage the cluster and provide the core orchestration services.

Nodes A node contains the VMs where your container will be executed.

When you create an AKS cluster, all the elements are automatically

created and configured for you, including the cluster master nodes. Because this is a managed service, the cluster master nodes are included in the managed part of the service. That is, they are managed by Azure. You are not charged for any of these cluster master nodes. Even these cluster master nodes are managed by Azure, and they are single tenant. This means that all master nodes are dedicated to the same tenant. Every master node has deployed the following components:

API Server The kube-apiserver is the component that exposes the needed APIs that Kubernetes needs to run. These APIs are managed by tools like kubectl or the Kubernetes Dashboard.

Scheduler This component determines what nodes can run the workloads that are part of your application. Once a node is selected as valid for running a workload, the scheduler is also in charge of starting the workload.

Etcd This component is a key-value store that maintains the configuration and the state of the Kubernetes cluster.

Controller Manager The kube-controller-manager is in charge of managing other controllers. A controller is control loop that watches for the shared state of the cluster. The controller works with the API server for querying the current state and making the needed changes to achieve the desired state. You can have controllers for deployments, cron jobs, garbage collecting, namespaces, and most of the operations in the cluster.

Because the master nodes are managed by Azure, you cannot directly connect to these nodes to perform any configuration or troubleshooting. If you need to troubleshoot your AKS cluster, you can do so by reviewing the AKS cluster logs in the Azure Monitor logs. Other administrative operations, like the version upgrade, can be performed using the Azure Portal or Azure CLI.

Cluster master nodes are only one part of any AKS cluster. Other important parts are the nodes or node pools. In Kubernetes, a node is each of the VMs that run the workloads of your application. A node pool is a group of nodes that share the same configuration. When you create your AKS cluster, Azure creates a default node pool with the number of nodes that you set during the initial deployment.

Each node in the AKS cluster has deployed some default components needed for the AKS cluster to run correctly.

The Kubernetes agent The Kubernetes agent (also known as a kubelet) receives the orders from the orchestrator and executes them in the node. One of these orders could be launching the container that holds your application.

Proxy The proxy or kube-proxy manages the virtual network on each node. This process routes the network traffic and manages the IP addressing for the services and pods running in the node.

Container runtime This is the component that allows your containers to run and interact with the resources, such as the network or the storage that is available in the node.

When you create the AKS node, you set the size of the VM that will be used for the AKS nodes. This setting defines the amount of resources available to your containers. Bear in mind that the Kubernetes agent reserves some resources to ensure that it has enough resources to manage the requests from the master nodes. These reservations are 60ms of CPU and 20 percent of memory, up to 4GiB. This means that if you use a DS2 v2 node size with 2vCPU and 7GiB, the amount of memory reserved for the agent will be 1.4

GiB (20% * 7 GiB = 1.4 GiB). If you use an E4s V3 node with 4 vCPI and 32 GiB of memory, then 4 GiB of memory will be reserved, even if the 20 percent of 32GiB is equal to 6.4GiB.

Note: Running Windows Containers in Aks

At the time of this writing, you can only use Ubuntu VMs as nodes of an AKS cluster. If you need to use a different host OS for the containers, you need to deploy your own Kubernetes cluster using aks-engine. You can review the official aks-engine GitHub page for more details. See

Before explaining how to delay an AKS cluster, we need to discuss how to deploy the containers to the AKS cluster. From the most basic to the most complex, these concepts are:

Pod This is a logical resource that Kubernetes uses for running an instance of your container. The container is where the code actually runs. A pod is a structure needed by Kubernetes to define resource limits, plan the schedule, and deploy the container. A Pod usually has a 1:1 relationship with a container, although there can be advanced scenarios in which a single pod can contain multiple containers.

Deployments One or more identical pods can be grouped in a deployment. When deploying a pod using a deployment structure, if you deploy a single pod without using a deployment and a problem occurs, it could be finished and wouldn’t be restarted or migrated to another healthy node. Every deployment is managed by the Deployment Controller. You can also update the deployment definition. When you apply that updated definition to an existing deployment, the Deployment Controller manages the termination or creation of new pods according to the new definition. When a pod in a deployment is drained from a node, any resource attached to the pod is also removed.

YAML manifests Any deployment is defined using a YAML file that contains the definition of the resource that will be deployed. Depending on the type of the resource, you will set the key kind to the correct value: Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet. The manifest contains the entire definition of the resource that needs to be deployed to the AKS cluster.

StatefulSets These work similarly to deployment managing pods. The big difference is that any pod managed by a StatefulSet is assigned a static network identifier, the storage assigned to the pod is persistent, the deployment and scaling of the pod is ordered and graceful across the nodes, as well as updates on the nodes are also managed in an ordered way. The storage assigned to a pod in a StatefulSet is persisted even if the pod is deleted. StatefulSets are managed by the StatefulSet Controller.

DaemonSets Pods in a DaemonSets are guaranteed to be deployed in every node specified in the manifest. The sets are usually used for log collection in the monitoring workloads.

Once you have reviewed the main concepts needed to work with an AKS cluster, you should be able to better understand the requirements when creating a cluster in Azure. The following procedure shows how to create an AKS cluster using the Azure Portal:

  1. Sign in to the management portal (
  2. Click on the Create A Resource Link at the upper-left corner, and then select Containers | Kubernetes Service.
  3. On the Create Kubernetes cluster blade, on the Basics tab, create a new resource group using the Create New link below the resource group drop-down menu for the Resource group option. You can also use an existing resource group.
  4. In the Cluster Details section, shown in Figure 1-5, type a name for your cluster in Kubernetes Cluster Name box.
  5. Figure 1-5 Creating a new managed Kubernetes cluster
  6. Select the Region where this cluster will be deployed.
  7. Select the Kubernetes Version. The last available version is selected by default.
  8. Provide a value for the DNS Name Prefix. This value will be appended to the FQDN of the managed API server. You need to connect to the API Server when you need to manage containers once they have been deployed into the cluster.
  9. In the Scale section, select the size of each node that will be added to the cluster. Bear in mind that you won’t be able to change the size of the nodes after you have created the cluster. You can change the number of nodes associated to the cluster.
  10. In the Scale section, select the number of nodes that you want to connect to your cluster. For production environments, you should deploy at least three nodes for achieving a good level of resiliency.
  11. Click the Next: Authentication button at the bottom of the tab to move to the Authentication tab.
  12. On the Authentication tab, in the Cluster Infrastructure section, ensure that Service Principal is configured to create a new default service principal. This service principal is used by the Kubernetes service cluster for accessing other resources in Azure, such as the Azure Container Registry or Azure Load Balancers.
  13. In the Kubernetes Authentication And Authorization section, ensure Enable RBAC is configured to No. The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) provides fine-grained granularity for managing the access to the cluster resources.
  14. Click the Next: Networking button at the bottom of the tab to move to the Networking tab.
  15. On the Networking tab, ensure that the option HTTP Application Routing is not enabled. This option will create an HTTP ingress controller that routes HTTP traffic to your application. This configuration is not recommended for production environments; it’s recommended only for testing or developing environments.
  16. On the Networking tab, ensure that the Network Configuration option is configured to Basic. This will create a new VNet for your cluster. If you prefer to connect your new cluster to an existing VNet, select the Advanced option.
  17. Click the Next: Monitoring button at the bottom of the tab to move to the Monitoring tab.
  18. On the Monitoring tab, ensure that the option Enable Container Monitoring is enabled. This will connect your Kubernetes cluster with Azure Monitor. You can then monitor the performance of your cluster, monitor the resources consumed by your containers, identify which containers are running in which nodes, and so on.
  19. Click the Review + Create button at the bottom of the tab.
  20. On the Review + Create tab, ensure that all settings looks right for you. When you open this tab, Azure performs a validation of your settings, and if everything is okay, the Create button will be enabled.
  21. On the Review + Create tab, make sure the Create button is enabled; click Create to create the cluster.

Create container images for solutions

Azure provides several services that allow you to deploy your application in a container. It doesn’t matter if you decide to use Azure Kubernetes Services, Service Fabric, Azure Web Apps for Containers, Azure Container Registry, or Azure Container Instances; all these services use the same container technology implementation, Docker.

Before you can deploy your application to any of these services, you need to put your application into a container by creating an image of your container. A container image is a package that contains everything you need —code, libraries, environment variables, and configuration files—to run your application. Once you have your container images, you can create instances of the image for running the code, each of which is a container.

When you create your container image, you must define your application’s requirements, which are placed in a file called Dockerfile. This Dockerfile contains the definition and requirements needed for creating your container image. Use the following high-level procedure for creating an image:

  1. Create a directory for the new image. This directory will contain your Docker file, your code, and any other dependencies that need to be added to the image and that are not already published as an image.
  2. Create the Dockerfile. This file contains the definition of your image. Listing 1-7 shows an example of a functional Dockerfile.
  3. Open a command line. You use this command line to run the Docker commands.
  4. Create the container image. Use the command docker build for creating the image. When you create an image, you should add a tag to clearly identify the image and the image version. If you don’t set a version number, it will be automatically assigned the default value latest. You need to provide the path of the folder that contains the Dockerfile. This command has following structure:
    docker build --tag=<tag_name>[:<version>] <doc
  6. List the new created image. Once Docker finishes downloading all the dependencies for your image, you can ensure that your image has been created by executing this command:
    docker image ls

Listing 1-7 Dockerfile example

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:2.7-slim
# Set the working directory to /app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container COPY . /app
# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install --trusted-host -r requirements.# Make port 80 available to the world outside this container
# Define environment variable
# Run when the container launches
CMD ["python", ""]

Need More Review?: Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles

When you are writing your own Dockerfile, you should bear in mind some best practices detailed at

For complex applications, creating an image for each component of the application can become a complex task. For scenarios in which you need to define and run multiple containers, you can use Docker Compose. You can also think of Docker Compose as the definition of your images for a production environment. If your application is comprised of several images, you can define the relationship between those images and how they are exposed to the external world. Also, you can set the limits of resources that will be assigned to each container and what happens if one container associated to a service fails.

A service in the Docker world is each of the pieces of that are part of your application. A service has a one-to-one relationship with an image. It’s important to remember that a service can have multiple instances of the same image; this means you can have multiple containers. The definitions of these relationships and requirements are stored in the docker-composer.yaml file.

Need More Review?: Fully Functional Example

You can run a fully functional example in your local environment by reviewing the instructions published by Microsoft at

Publish an image to the Azure Container Registry

The main purpose for creating an image is to make your code highly portable and independent from the server that executes your code. To achieve this objective, your image needs to be accessible by all the servers that can execute your image. Therefore, you need to store your image in a centralized storage service.

Azure Container Registry (ACR) is the Microsoft’s implementation of a

Docker registry service, based on the Docker Registry 2.0 definition. Using this managed Docker registry service, you can privately store your images for later distribution to container services, such as Azure Managed Kubernetes Service. You can also use ACR for building your images on the fly and automating the building of the image based on the commits of your source code.

Before you can upload an image to your private container registry, you need to tag the image. To do this, you need to include the name of your private container registry in the tag. You will use the name structure <acr_name>[repository_name][:version]. The following list breaks down each part of the tag:

acr_name This is the name that you gave to your registry.

repository_name This is an optional name for a repository in your registry. ACR allows you to create multi-level repositories inside the registry. If you want to use a custom repository, just put its name in the tag. version This is the version that you use for the image.

Use following procedure for pushing your image to your ACR registry. We assume that you already created an Azure Container Registry and you have installed the latest Azure CLI:

  1. Log in to your registry using this command:
    az acr login -name <acr_name>
  3. Tag the image that you want to upload to the registry using this command:
    docker tag foobar <acr_name><repos
  5. Push the image to the registry using this command:
    docker push <acr_name><repository_

When docker finishes pushing your image to the registry, you can browse the repositories in your registry, as shown in Figure 1-6, to verify that has been successfully uploaded.

Figure 1-6 Browse container repository

In the next section, we will review how to run the container from the image you have already pushed to the registry.

Run containers by using Azure Container Instance or AKS

Once you have created your image and made it available to Azure services by pushing it to your container registry, it is time to run the container in any of

the services that Azure offers to you. Follow this high-level procedure:

  1. Create as many images as your application needs to run correctly.
  2. Upload or push your application images to a container registry.
  3. Deploy the application.

When you want to create an image in the Azure Container Instance (ACI) service from your Azure Container Registry (ACR), you need to authenticate before you can pull the image from your ACR. For the purpose of demonstration, we will use Admin account authentication in the following procedure showing how to create and run a container in ACI:

  1. Sign in to the Azure cloud shell (
  2. In the Shell Selector, select Bash.
  3. Open the online editor by clicking on the curly brace icon to the right of the Shell Selector.
  4. Use the script in Listing 1-8 to create a service principal password and to create a container from your images in the registry. Listing 1-8 Creating a service principal password
    #Some variable definition useful for the script
    #Get the registry ID. You will need this ID for creating //service principal
    ACR_ID=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query id --output
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    #Get the ACR login server
    ACR_SERVER=$(az acr show --name $ACR_NAME --query loginServer #Get the service principal password. We will grant pull //principal
    echo "Generating Service Principal password"
    SP_PASS=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name http://$SP_NAME acrpull --query password --output tsv)
    #Get the App ID associated to the service principal
    SP_ID=$(az ad sp show --id http://$SP_NAME --query appId echo "Service principal ID: $SP_ID"
    echo "Service principal password: $SP_PASS"
    #Create the container in the Container Instance service
    az container create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --$IMAGE_TAG --cpu 1 --memory 1 --registry-login-server $SP_ID --registry-password $SP_PASS --dns-name-label
  5. In the top right corner, below the user information, click the ellipsis icon, and then click Save. Provide a name for the script.
  6. In the Azure Cloud Shell, execute the script by typing following command in the bash shell:
    sh <your_script_name>

Once you have executed this procedure, you can access your container by looking for your container’s name in the Azure Portal. You can also access the application that you put in this container by entering the URL of the container into a browser. The URL for this container will be in the form of <APP_DNS_NAME>.<region>, based on the value of the variable APP_DNS_NAME that you provided in the previous script.

You can use several authentication mechanisms, such as an individual login with Azure AD, an Admin account, or a Service Principal. Authentication with Azure AD is a good approach for your development and testing environment. Using the Admin account is disabled by default and is discourage for production environments because you need to put the Admin account password in your code. For production environments, the recommended way to pull images is using service principals for authentication with the ACR.

Chapter summary

Azure provides computing services for deploying your own virtualized infrastructure directly in the cloud. You can also deploy hybrid architectures to connect your on-premises infrastructure with your IaaS resources.

Azure Resource Manager is the service in Azure that manages the different resources that you can deploy in the cloud. You can define the resources and their dependencies by using a JSON-based file called an ARM template.

You can secure the data stored in your VMs by encrypting the virtual disks of the VM. This encryption is performed by the operating system of the VM. By default, Managed and Unmanaged virtual disks are also encrypted at rest by the cloud storage system.

Azure Batch offers the capability to unload your application of heavy or repetitive tasks by executing these tasks on a separate group of compute nodes.

You typically use Azure Batch for executing an image analysis, prediction or simulation model calculations, and 3D- or FX-image rendering.

Azure Managed Kubernetes Service (AKS) service is a managed version of the Kubernetes open-source solution. This solution provides you high-availability and load balancing for your application containers.

A container image is a package of software in which you store your code and any library or dependencies for running your application in a highly portable environment.

When you create a new instance of a container image, each of these instances is named a “container.”

You can store your container images in a centralized store called a registry.

Azure Container Registry is a managed registry, which is based on the open-source specification of Docker Registry 2.0.

You can run your containers in several Azure services, such as Azure Managed Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instance, Azure Batch, Azure App Service, or Azure Container Service.

Thought experiment

In this Thought Experiment, you can demonstrate your skills and knowledge about the topics covered in this chapter. You can find the answers to this Thought Experiment in the next section.

You are developing an application for making the analysis of images from a Geographic Information System. You decide to use containers for packaging the code that will make the image analysis. You use an Azure Container Registry for storing all the images of your application. The result of the image analysis will be in another image file and additional data will be stored in a database. The resulting images won’t be stored in the database. The users of your application need to access a web portal for reviewing the results of the analysis.

With this information in mind, answer the following questions:

  1. Which technology should you use for providing the needed compute resources that will run the containers that will execute the image analysis code?
  2. What is the most secure way of accessing the Azure Container Registry?

Thought experiment answers

This section contains the solutions to the Thought Experiment.

  1. The most effective way of running the containers that create the image analysis would be to use an Azure Batch account. You can run your containers in the nodes of the compute pool of the Batch account. This ensures that the load of processing the GIS images won’t affect the performance of your applications and the user’s experience.
  2. You should access your registry by using an Azure AD security principal. When you need to access an Azure Container Registry, you have three ways of accessing the images:

Using Azure AD login

Using Admin account

Using Azure AD service principals

Azure AD login is an interactive authentication mechanism and won’t work well on production workloads in which authentication needs to happen automatically. By using an Admin account, you will also need to interactively provide the username and password. Using service principles, you can also apply fine-grained authorization based on RBAC. You can even secure these credentials by using Azure Key Vault.




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