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HESI A2 Practice Test Questions, HESI A2 Exam Dumps
ExamSnap provides Test Prep HESI A2 Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The Test Prep HESI A2 Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted Test Prep HESI A2 Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.
Aspiring nurses in the USA should be aware of the HESI A2 exam. In particular, this is the elementary step taken by the aspirants to secure a seat in the medical university or college of their choice. Also known as the Health Education Systems, Inc. Admission Assessment test, it is considered the most viable candidate screen program by universities and colleges across the United States. Not only does it help a candidate to secure a seat in nursing school, but it also strengthens the fundamental expertise needed for advanced and tough exams like the NCLEX-RN. Most of the time, the HESI A2 is used as a means to successfully complete the nursing program admission process. However, some particular institutes ask individuals to take up this exam for specialty areas like nursing, diagnostic medical sonography, surgical technology, and radiologic technology. Often, it is also known as the Evolve Reach A2 evaluation.
Basic Exam Details
All in all, there are 339 exam questions in all nine areas tested by the HESI A2. You will have to solve all items within 5 hours 15 minutes. Note that there is no pass or fail system. The candidate will be graded on a scale of 0 to 900. Anything above 750 is considered a good score. However, each institute and university has a different acceptable score. Some might consider 800 a good rate while others can provide admission at a mark of 750 as well. Hence, candidates have to apply accordingly. If the score is to be decoded a little further, anything between 90% and 100% is considered an excellent score. It signifies that the test-taker is capable enough to read and understand a typical nursing book. A score between 80-89% is considered very good. Those who have scored anything 75% to 79% are called intermediate learners and suggest mastering the subject knowledge. A score below 75% is usually not considered a good one and suggests that the candidate has to work hard. Also, candidates are allowed to take up this exam once in 60 days. Offline testing center exam delivery mode is available and interested candidates have to visit the particular college or university to attempt the test as each institute conducts it independently. In case the test-taker is far away from the targeted university or college, a Prometric test center facility is there. As far as the cost of taking the HESI A2 exam is concerned, it varies from location to location. Universities and colleges are allowed to keep the cost as per their wish. In most cases, its fee ranges from $35-$70. Still, the final HESI A2 expenses can only be determined once the candidate completes the exam registration at a particular college/university. As there is no set pattern for the actual HESI A2 exam and colleges and universities are allowed to conduct it as they please, it is crucial that the test-taker refer to the requirements of the applied institute.
Knowing Exam Slightly More
The HESI A2 is not a single exam and is actually a combination of different evaluations. In total, there are 9 test versions, among which you’ll find the Learning Style & Personality Profile sectors. However, in most of the cases, Basic Math Skills, Grammar, Vocabulary & GK (General Knowledge), Reading Comprehension, Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, and Chemistry test variations are widely used. So, here are the details of those versions:
Career Prospects
After passing the HESI A2 exam, one can easily secure a seat in the college or university of liking. Those who have managed to make it through the test will be turned into qualified medical specialists. All in all, entering into the industry is relatively easy for nurses as there are ample opportunities across the world. Thus, they can be a part of hospitals and medical institutes. As far as the salary is concerned, nurses can earn as high as $106,500 annually, says ZipRecruiter. The same resource says that the average salary in this profession ranges between $56,500 to $78,500 per year. Still, one can expect a considerable raise and stability as the number of years of work experience increases. To sum up, the HESI A2 exam is your way to own a reputable and stable career in nursing.
Study with ExamSnap to prepare for Test Prep HESI A2 Practice Test Questions and Answers, Study Guide, and a comprehensive Video Training Course. Powered by the popular VCE format, Test Prep HESI A2 Certification Exam Dumps compiled by the industry experts to make sure that you get verified answers. Our Product team ensures that our exams provide Test Prep HESI A2 Practice Test Questions & Exam Dumps that are up-to-date.
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