PL-300 – Section 9: Part 1 Level 8: Other Visualization Items Part 3
Use Anomaly Detection Now, suppose, you wanted to go beyond just identifying outliers and look for anomalies. In other words, values that are so much of an outlier that they may be a mistake. Well, we can do this with the anomaly detection. Now, anomaly detection only works on line chart visuals. So, for instance, a scatter graph, it wouldn’t work at all. So, let’s go to page three where we have got this line chart. Now, we need to have a time series data in the axis here, and…
PL-300 – Section 9: Part 1 Level 8: Other Visualization Items Part 2
Use Error Bars Now, sometimes the data that you have may not be wholly accurate. For example, suppose, I were to say that the sales growth was this much, plus or minus a little bit. So, the data that I have is probably the most likely version but it could be out by a few percent or it could be within a certain range. This is when error bars could be useful. Error bars allow you to show that range. So, if I go to the add further analyses and…
PL-300 – Section 9: Part 1 Level 8: Other Visualization Items
Define Quick Measures Hello, and welcome to level eight, the final level of this part one, which is all about visualisations. Now, in this level, what we’re going to do is look at all the other things that we need for the DA-100 exam that don’t quite fit into the rest of the course easily. Or some of the topics may be quite difficult, or some of the features are actually new and have been introduced into Power BI after this course was first created, and with Microsoft introducing new…
PL-300 – Section 8: Part 1 Level 7: Measure Performance by Using KPIs, Gauges and Cards
Gauges In these few videos, we’re going to go back to our HPI admin data and just create a little dashboard. And the purpose of this dashboard is to introduce another set of visualisations. So, we’re going to start off with gauges. Gauges are semi-circles which show how much you have done towards a certain target. So, over here, this is a gauge, so if I click on that and I will focus on it. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to measure the average terraced price….
PL-300 – Section 7: Part 1 Level 6: Mapping Part 3
ArcGIS Maps for Power BI Now, there is one other type of mapping visualisation and it is this one, the ArcGIS. GIS standing for Geographic Information System. Now, this is a third party add-in, ArcGIS is a company that specializes in mapping. And what you can see here is a three taster. There is additional functionality that is available with a plus subscription which can be purchased at an individual level or for the entire organisation. And there’s also art GIS online which allows for the more secure organisational GIS…
PL-300 – Section 7: Part 1 Level 6: Mapping Part 2
Filled Maps, Conditional Formatting, and Color Blindness A couple of videos ago, we made this maps US. But, whilst these bubbles are good and we had to look at heat maps, wouldn’t it be good to actually have the states be filled in a single colour? And this you can do. And that is called a filled map. So, very easy, I’m just going to click on this map, and I’m going to change the visualisation from map to filled map. So, now we can see, everywhere is filled. Now,…
PL-300 – Section 7: Part 1 Level 6: Mapping
Maps Hello and welcome to level six. And in level six, we’ll be looking at maps. And we’ll be looking at performance indicators. So, in this particular section, we’re going to have a look at maps. So, we’ve been looking at how we can have the six different regions; Greater Manchester, Merseyside, South Yorkshire, Turin Ware, West Midlands and West Yorkshire, being shown in different visualisations. But these of course, are geographic locations. How can we put them onto a map? Well, there are two different types of map. There’s…
PL-300 – Section 6: Part 1 Level 5: Other visualizations Part 2
Pie Charts and Donut Charts In this video, we’re going to have a look at pie charts and donut charts, and they’re not that difficult. If I’d add in a pie chart. Let’s say, I wanted to see what the total sales volume was. Okay, so 100% of all sales were made. That doesn’t tell me anything. So, now let’s divide it into the region name, and I’m going to add region name into the details section. And here we can see, we have got these six different regions and…
ASQ CQA – 2. Audit Process Part 2
2B5 Establishment of objective evidence Now in the audit you would have done number of interviews, you would have seen number of things and you would have reviewed a number of documents. So now to meet the purpose of the audit, you need objective evidence. And what are these objective evidences? That’s what we will be learning in this topic, which is establishment of objective evidence. Let’s look at the definition of objective evidence. We have talked about this this definition earlier as well. There we talked about three definitions…
PL-300 – Section 6: Part 1 Level 5: Other visualizations
Ribbon Charts Hello and welcome to level five. In this level, we’re going to have a look at some of the other visualisations that we’ve not previously looked at. So, in level two, we had a look at the table visualisation. Level three, the matrix and the bar and the line charts. Level four, we’ve had to look at adding more control, more user interaction into your visualisations. So now, we’re going to continue to expand our repertoire of visualisations. So first of all, we’re going to create a line…
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