Microsoft Excel MO-200 – Level 3, Section 1 – Insert data in cells and ranges Part 2
Cutting and moving cell data Now, cutting is very similar to copying, except it deletes the previous information. Now, just having a look at our keyboard, if C is copy and V is paste, cut is X. So you can imagine the information is literally moved on the previous cell. So x it goes away. So notice we’ve got now in a row, undo cut, copy paste. Very useful to remember those four and then bold right next to it. So if I go into my catalog and I cut…
Microsoft Excel MO-200 – Level 3, Section 1 – Insert data in cells and ranges
Appending data to Excel worksheets Hello and welcome to level three, session one. And we begin level three with appending data to existing spreadsheets. And in some senses this is fairly easy and builds on a lot of what you already know. So suppose I want to add an additional set of data to my existing spreadsheet. I just go right to the bottom and start typing. So 1227, another concerto and that sort of thing. Now, a few considerations. Firstly, if you’re typing something which exists in alphabetical order,…
Copying and pasting basics, and Utilising references (relative, mixed, absolute) Welcome to level two, session five. And this is the session level two about formulas. And what we’re going to look at in this session is one of the most important concepts about formulas. And a lot of people who use Excel just don’t get this. And it’s crucial. This is all about cell references and their relationship to other cells. So I’m going to give you an example. This is a brand new workbook that I’ve created so you…
Inserting watermarks Now, the header and footer tab doesn’t quite seem to be the right place to talk about inserting watermarks. But believe it or not, this is where you can do it. You can insert a picture and blow it up to be a full size watermark. So I’ll click in the custom header. We’ve got a spare section here. Now only one picture per section is allowed, so you can have up to six pictures for the header and footer. So we’ve got these two icons, insert Picture…
Page setup, Part 1 (first two tabs) For the next few videos, we’ll be looking at one particular dialog box, the Page Setup dialog box. You may remember from my initial discussion about menus, there are some dialog boxes hidden away in the bottom right-hand corner of quite a number of sections. So if I click on this one within Page layout, page Setup here we have the Page Setup up dialog box, and you can see we’ve got lots of options that we can do. We can start our…
Microsoft Excel MO-200 – Level 2, Section 4 – Configure Excel worksheets and workbooks to print
Printing individual worksheets Hello and welcome to session four of level two. I’m going to use this workbook which is attached to this video as a resource. However, if you’ve just finished session three, then it’s exactly the same workbook so you don’t need to download it. Now let’s put this scenario you have finished with your spreadsheet. It looks on screen how you want. Maybe it’s time am now to print and we can go to file print. Now first of all we’ll be seeing a print preview and…
Managing macro security Now we’ve done this macro, let’s save this workbook. So I’ll just click File Save and you can see there’s a problem. This particular file is called level two, sessionfreestart XLS x. The X indicates a standard macro free workbook. In other words, no macros. If I was to click yes, then the next time you open this spreadsheet, so you close it and reopen it, you’ll find all of the macros we’ve recorded have disappeared. And this is by design. Macros can do huge amount of…
MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops – Managing Windows Defender and Monitoring Devices
Managing Windows Defender Antivirus on Windows 10 From there, we’re going to click on Update and Security. And if you look over here to the left, you’re going to see a little button called Windows Security. So we’re going to click on that and then I’m going to zoom in on it for you so you can see it a little closer up. All right, so notice what my options are here. It says protection areas and I have virus and threat protection, account protection, firewall and network protection, app…
MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops – Managing and Deploying Apps and Data Part 2
Looking at the Office 365 subscriptions And I want to talk to you about the different Office licenses and how we can check to see what particular licenses we have in our environment. And we’re going to compare the different licenses. So here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go over here to this little menu button. We’re going to go to Azure Active Directory. I’m in by the way. I’m in portal azure. com. All right? And then I’m going to go to licenses. I’m going to…
MD-101 Managing Modern Desktops – Managing and Deploying Apps and Data Part 1
Assigning apps using Intune Let’s take some time now and talk about the capabilities of Intune in regards to the way it deploys apps. So one of the great features about Intune, not only can we configure all these settings on devices and make sure they’re compliant and all that fun stuff, we can also actually manage apps. So remember that Intune, with the help of Endpoint Manager here, has the ability, ability to support not just MDM mobile Device management, but also Mam, which is mobile application management. We’re…
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