
LPI 101-500 – 103.3: Basic file management

cd, cp und mv This topic might even have been at the beginning because it is about how to move around the file system and how to copy move list files and so on. So let’s first look at the CD command. CD stands for change directory. During the last videos of the I have already used CD very often. But to repeat with CD I can move back and forth in the entire directory tree with the option of specifying absolute and relative paths. Let’s see which directory we…

LPI 101-500 – 103.2: Process text streams with filters

cat, head, tail First let’s look at a few ways you can look at text files. There is the command Cat, which I am sure you know from the other videos. You can use cat to output, connect or link text files. How to output a file with cat should be clear, I think. Cat file one, for example, and the content of file one is displayed here. It is the word hello. So how do you combine two files with the help of Cat? In principle, it’s very simple….

LPI 101-500 – 103.1: Working on the command line

History, Manpages and echo We have arrived at the third global topic, namely topic 103 GNO and Unix commands. There are a few important commands that we need to discuss. First of all, there are three of the commands listed by LPI that we have already met. There would be the commands PWD, you name and man. To repeat the command PWD is in long form print working directory. This command shows us where we now are in the directory tree PWD and we are in home manner. So in…

LPI 101-500 – 102.6: Linux as guest virtualization

Linux as guest virtualization This lesson is about virtual machines and containers and the differences and details about them. This is a completely new topic in the Airpick One catalog. When I took the exam myself, the topic didn’t even exist. But LPI is of course moving with the times because at the moment there is a real container hype and accordingly it makes sense to include this topic in the exam catalog. API won’t expect you to be an absolute expert in virtual machines or container technologies. It’s more…

F5 101 – Part 3: Maintaining Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Part 4

Traffic Flow Interpretation Demo Part 2 Now, let’s talk about traffic reports. We’ll go to statistics, performance reports, traffic report, and as you can see, we have three categories. We have the system utilization, the throughput, and the connections. Now, this report or this graph is today, June 3, 3rd, 2020. At this time of this recording, it was June 3, 2020. And as you can see on the right pane, it will gives us the average percentage of both CPU and memory. Now, if we hover my mouse on…

F5 101 – Part 3: Maintaining Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Part 3

Device and Software Upgrade Demo Now I’m back in my m five big IP GUI. And this time we’re going to upgrade our software image. Now I’m going to log in with my user admin, the password of Admin One. Now under system module, we select software management. And as you can see, the current version one is 13 one three, and it’s residing in our boot location, HD one. There is no other image available. That is why we need to import our new image. So we decided to…

F5 101 – Part 3: Maintaining Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Part 2

Monitoring Demo Part 3 So in the GUI we are here in the Virtual Server list page. If I hit refresh, you will see now the test underscore Vs is gone, okay? Because we deleted in our tmSh. Now I just want to show you how to view statistics under Statistics module Statistics and look local traffic. You have many different options here. If I select Virtual Server, you will see the bits, the packets, the connection per virtual server. And if you want to view the detail, you can…

F5 101 – Part 3: Maintaining Application Delivery Controller (ADC)

Monitoring Overview Part 1 Before we talk about the different ways of monitoring configuration objects let’s first discuss Command Line Interface or CLI. We have two CLI. We have the Advanced Shell or the Linux Batch because this is literally a Linux operating system. This is a Kickstarter where it runs Linux and it loads couple of big IP configuration every time it boots up. We also have the T-Mobile shell or the tmSh. Here in tmSh you have the ability to edit, create and delete configuration objects. Now, later…

F5 101 – Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Part 6

Configuring High Availability Part 1 I am back in our Fi Big IP device GUI, and we have four tabs. The first two tabs are big IP. Device One and Big IP. Device Two. And these two tabs will be dedicated for configuration purposes. We also have the third and the fourth tab. This is Big IP device One and Two, and we will be dedicated for statistics viewing only. Now, the first thing I will do is go to the first big IP device and we will reconfigure back…

F5 101 – Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Part 5

Introduction to iRules Part 2 All right, as I mentioned, the iriscript consists of operators. Now, this is very common in most languages. You have equals, you have greater than, less than. You also have starts with, contains an answer. Now the statement for beginners or for starters, we always use if and log or pull switch. I don’t know, sometimes it’s not for beginners, but in our example later we’re going to use if and pull. And this is also common in other programming language. So if you’re very…
