DML Delete And Review Of DML Statements Part2A There’s no reason why the database sent the data back in Booklist ID order. The reason why the data came out in Booklist ID order, that is 1234, is because the data was input into the data in Booklist ID order order. So the first row of data that was typed in, and I know this because I personally typed it in the first row was Booklist ID one Jane Error by Author Bronte with a price of 1099. The next row…
Cisco CCIE Security 350-701 – AAA Authorization
Authorization – Device Access Authorization for device access. Like in the previous sections, we have seen how to authenticate the users by using the local or the external database. Now, once the user gets authenticated, you may also want the user to be authorized. Like authorization is less like restricting a user to use any specific commands after successful authentication. Like if you take an example, you may have some different group of engineers, like level one, level two, level three engineers, and you want the level one engineers. The…
Cisco CCIE Security 350-701 – AAA Authentication
AAA Authentication – Device Access Trip the authentication. Now, let’s take an example. I got a user here who wants to access the remote device either using a telenet or SSH. Now, I want to make sure that this user must be authenticated by using some AAAA method. Now, if you want to authenticate this user, I can either use locally where I can create a username and the password on my local device. It can be a router switch, it can be any device stored locally. So the user…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – STP – Spanning Tree Protocol Part 5
Spanning Tree and HSRP Alignment You’ll learn about how to align your spanning tree and HSRP configuration so that they line up with each other. I’m using the same network topology example as usual. You can see in the diagram here, I’ve already configured my core distribution switches, CD One and CD Two to be my root primary and secondary for the root bridge. So CD one is currently the root bridge and I’ve got blocking links going from axis three to CD two and from axis four to CD…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – STP – Spanning Tree Protocol Part 4
Verification – show mac address-table Another command you can use to check the path that traffic is taking throughout your layer two network is Show Mac Address table. So for this example we’re going to check the path that traffic is taking from PC One, going to R One and you can see in the diagram that it should go from PC One to Access Three to CD One to R One. So let’s let’s verify that. So I go onto R One and I do a show interface for…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – STP – Spanning Tree Protocol Part 3
Spanning Tree Versions This lecture you’ll learn about the different spanning fee versions. There have been a few different versions over time which have improved on the previous versions. Now when I was first learning about this from other sources it was super confusing but there is actually a simple way to explain it which is by by breaking it down into the Open Standards and also into the Cisco proprietary versions. So that’s what I’m going to do for you here. Starting off with the Open standards the first…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – STP – Spanning Tree Protocol Part 2
Spanning Tree Terminology – The Bridge In this lecture, you’ll learn about the spanning tree terminology of bridges. This is going to just be a short lecture and I wanted to cover this before we get into the details of how spanning tree works. Okay, before we talk about the bridge, we need to talk about hubs. Hubs were layer one only devices which preferred formed the same function as switches, which is connecting ethernet land hosts to the network. So way back in the day, we used hubs, but…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – STP – Spanning Tree Protocol
Introduction Section is going to be one of the longer sections in the course because we’re going to cover one of the core topics for the CCNA exam and also for your work as a network engineer as well and that is the spanning tree protocol. I’ll start off with a review of how path selection and loop prevention works at layer three with our routing protocols and then we’ll get into the spanning tree information. I’ll explain why we need to have spanning tree to prevent loops in the…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – HSRP – Hot Standby Router Protocol Part 2
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol This lecture you’ll learn about HSRP Cisco’s hot spare router protocol. HSRP uses a virtual IP and Mac address to allow for automated gateway failover. So you see in the example here, we’ve got R One and R Two which are going to be redundant default gateways for our PCs. In the ten 1010 subnet, R One and R Two have both got interface gigabit ethernet one facing the PCs and HSRP is configured at the interface level. R One has got physical IP address…
Cisco CCNA 200-301 – HSRP – Hot Standby Router Protocol
Introduction In this section, you’ll learn about HSRP, the hot standby router protocol. We’ll start off with a discussion of network redundancy in general. This is where we put extra devices into the network so that we don’t have any single points of failure. If any single one of our network infrastructure devices, like a router or switch which fails, there’s another one sitting there that can take over its load. So this is great. It makes our network more resilient, but it brings its own set of issues as…