The Purpose and Significance of Celebrating a Historic Inauguration

The inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009, was a landmark event in American history. As the first African American to assume the highest office in the land, Obama’s swearing-in was more than a political milestone; it was a cultural phenomenon that captured the world’s attention. To document and celebrate this historic occasion, the website was created. One of its notable features is the detailed listing of every donor who contributed $200 or more to the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC). This article delves into the purpose of, its importance, and the broader implications of transparency in political funding.

The Creation of

Documenting History

The primary goal of is to preserve and showcase the historic nature of Barack Obama’s first inauguration. Established as a comprehensive resource, the website provides an in-depth look at the events leading up to and following the inauguration. Visitors can explore a wealth of information, including speeches, photographs, and detailed accounts of the day’s events. By offering this extensive documentation, ensures that future generations can understand and appreciate the significance of this momentous occasion. The site captures the essence of the inauguration, allowing people to relive the excitement and historical importance of the event.

Promoting Transparency

One of the standout features of is its dedication to transparency, especially concerning the funding of the inauguration. The website lists every donor who contributed $200 or more to the Presidential Inauguration Committee. This list is searchable by name, employer, or hometown, providing easy access and a comprehensive insight into who supported the inauguration financially. This level of transparency is crucial in promoting trust and accountability in political processes. By making donor information publicly accessible, fosters a sense of openness and integrity, ensuring that the financial aspects of the inauguration are clear and aboveboard.

Engaging the Public

In addition to documenting the inauguration and promoting transparency, serves as a platform for public engagement. Recognizing Barack Obama as the United States’ first web 2.0 president, the site features an inauguration blog where his staff used Tumblr to update the public throughout the day. This included posts from the presidential ball and reposting user-generated content. Citizens were invited to submit photos, videos, quotes, links, and blogs for the site and upload photographs to be considered for the official inauguration book. This interactive element allowed the public to participate in the historic event, making them feel connected to the inauguration. Users could also view what others were saying on the Obama page at Tumblr, further fostering a sense of community and shared experience.

By combining historical documentation, transparency in political funding, and public engagement, serves as a valuable resource that captures the spirit and significance of Barack Obama’s first inauguration. It stands as a testament to the importance of openness and public participation in the democratic process, ensuring that this landmark event is remembered and appreciated for generations to come.

The Role of Donors in Presidential Inaugurations

Presidential inaugurations are grand events that require significant financial resources. From the inaugural ceremony itself to the numerous balls and parades, the cost of hosting such an event can be substantial. These costs encompass everything from security and logistics to entertainment and media coverage. Donations from individuals, corporations, and other entities play a crucial role in covering these expenses, ensuring that the inauguration can proceed smoothly and with the requisite pomp and circumstance that such a historic occasion demands.

Financial contributions to the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) help support various elements of the event. These funds are used to set up stages and sound systems for the inaugural ceremony, organize and manage the inaugural parade, and host the multiple inaugural balls and receptions that celebrate the new administration. Without these contributions, it would be challenging to orchestrate an event of such magnitude and significance.

The Significance of Obama’s Inauguration

Barack Obama’s inauguration on January 20, 2009, was not just a political milestone but a powerful symbol of progress and hope. For many, it represented the culmination of decades of struggle for civil rights and equality, marking a transformative moment in American history. The election of the first African American president signaled a significant step forward in the nation’s ongoing journey toward racial equality and justice. Obama’s inauguration offered a sense of renewed hope and optimism, embodying the aspirations of millions who had long awaited such a momentous occasion.

The presence of diverse donors on highlights the widespread support that Obama’s campaign and presidency garnered across various demographics and communities. This diversity of support underscores the inclusive nature of his campaign, which resonated with a broad spectrum of the American populace. From young voters and minorities to those disillusioned with the existing political landscape, Obama’s message of hope and change mobilized a diverse coalition of supporters. This coalition was instrumental in his decisive victory, reflecting a collective desire for a more inclusive and equitable society.

Moreover, the broad range of donors listed on underscores the unity and collective effort that characterized Obama’s campaign. Support poured in from all corners of the United States and beyond, illustrating a shared belief in the possibility of change and a brighter future. This unity was a central theme of Obama’s presidency, reflected in his calls for national solidarity and collective action. The diversity of his supporters, as documented on, poignantly captures this spirit of togetherness and common purpose.

The significance of Obama’s inauguration extends beyond the historical milestone of his election; it represents a renewed commitment to the principles of democracy, equality, and unity. The comprehensive listing of donors on serves as a testament to the broad and diverse support for Obama’s vision of an inclusive America. This collective effort and unity continue to inspire and influence political discourse today, reminding us of the power of hope and the enduring promise of the American dream.


One of the most notable strengths of is its user-friendly interface. Visitors can effortlessly navigate the site to find detailed information about President Obama’s inauguration, including viewing photographs and accessing comprehensive lists of donors. The search functionality stands out, allowing users to look up donors by name, employer, or hometown. This ease of use ensures the site’s accessibility to a broad audience, ranging from researchers and historians to casual visitors with an interest in learning more about this historic event.

Beyond just listing donors, offers a treasure trove of content related to Obama’s inauguration. Visitors can find transcripts of speeches, video clips, and detailed schedules of events. This extensive repository of information not only documents the day’s events but also provides valuable context and insight into their significance. By presenting such a wealth of content, the site paints a vivid picture of the inauguration, highlighting its historical importance and the broader themes of Obama’s presidency. also serves as an invaluable educational resource. Teachers and students can utilize the site to explore the significance of presidential inaugurations, understand the role of donors in political events, and delve into the broader historical context of Obama’s presidency. The detailed donor lists provide a real-world example of openness and responsibility in political funding, offering lessons in civic responsibility and ethical contributions. By making this information readily available, helps foster a deeper understanding of the democratic process and the importance of public engagement.

Overall, is more than just a website; it is a comprehensive archive and educational tool that captures the essence of President Obama’s inauguration. Its user-friendly design, extensive information, and educational value make it an essential resource for anyone looking to understand the impact and significance of this landmark event in American history.

The Broader Implications of Transparency in Political Funding

Transparency in political funding plays a pivotal role in fostering trust within democratic processes. When the public is informed about who is financing political events and campaigns, it instills a sense of accountability and ensures that these activities are conducted with integrity. The website exemplifies this commitment by listing all donors who contributed $200 or more to the Presidential Inauguration Committee for President Obama’s inauguration. This public disclosure is a significant step towards enhancing transparency and accountability in the political sphere.

One of the key benefits of such transparency is its ability to deter corruption. When donation records are made publicly accessible, it subjects donors to public scrutiny, discouraging unethical behavior. Knowing that their contributions will be visible to the public, donors are less likely to engage in practices that could be seen as attempts to exert undue influence. This form of public accountability helps ensure that political decisions are made in the best interests of the public rather than being swayed by hidden agendas or financial leverage.

Additionally, transparency in political donations promotes ethical behavior among potential contributors. When donors are aware that their contributions will be listed publicly, they are more likely to adhere to ethical standards. This public disclosure can lead to a healthier political environment where donations are made for genuine support of a candidate or cause, rather than as a means to gain undue influence. It encourages a culture of openness and integrity, which is essential for the functioning of a robust democracy.

By making donor information accessible, not only provides insight into the financial backing of significant political events but also sets a precedent for transparency in political funding. This initiative helps build a foundation of trust and accountability, ensuring that the democratic process remains fair and ethical. The broader implications of such transparency extend beyond a single event, fostering a political culture that values honesty, integrity, and public engagement.

Closing Remarks

The website plays an essential role in documenting and celebrating the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama. By providing comprehensive details about the events of the day and listing all donors who contributed $200 or more, the site promotes clarity and integrity in political funding. This dedication to openness builds trust in the democratic process and serves as a valuable educational tool for those looking to understand the significance of Obama’s presidency.

By making donor information publicly accessible, the site ensures that political events are conducted ethically and that the public can have confidence in the integrity of these processes. As we continue to strive for a more transparent and accountable political system, resources like are crucial for promoting trust and fostering an informed and engaged citizenry.

In preserving the details of this historic moment, not only maintains the legacy of President Obama’s inauguration but also sets a benchmark for openness and responsibility in political funding. It highlights the power of public engagement and underscores the importance of ethical contributions in shaping our democracy. For anyone interested in exploring this transformative period in American history, provides an invaluable resource, capturing the essence of an era that signified a new dawn for America.
