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Cisco CCIE Data Center Certification Practice Test Questions, Cisco CCIE Data Center Exam Dumps

ExamSnap provides Cisco CCIE Data Center Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The Cisco CCIE Data Center Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted Cisco CCIE Data Center Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.


36. Nexus vPC Part 02 Configuration.1

Let us continue where we left off in the previous section. So we completed the VPC configuration over the next seven k-1 and seven k-2. In that section, we'll go and continue the configuration to the downstream switches as well. First and foremost, let us ensure that the VPC peer remains active. So we know that our domain is 200 and Kali is up and running. They are sending the UDP messages for number 3200. We can go and verify the keeper like things that keep our eyes up. How long is it up? What's the time duration? What's the point? Just to confirm the port numbers. You can see here in the slide that they keep alive, they are sending the UDPpackage and the port number is 3200. So, at this point, our VPC portion of the course, which is our next sevenk one and sevenk two, is good. The VPC role is what we want to look at next.

So for the next seven thousand. If I go and check the VPC role here, you will see that it will show you the role as a secondary. You can see the role is secondary. Likewise, you go to the next seven ktwo and there you will check the rules. The rule should be primary and show the VPC rule. Here you can see the rule is primary. Now, what I want here is to change the rule. Now to change the rules again, I will come back to Nexus Seven k One. I want to make this switch as a primary. So I have to go inside the VPC domain first. Since the VPC domain is 200, let me do some wrong configuration here. So I'll go ahead and give the domain as 100. It's the wrong configuration that I'm doing. Later on, we'll go and correct this, and then I can go and give the role priorities priority one. Actually, lower is better, so that means this particular switch will become the primary. But before doing that, I should go and flap the peer link. Because if you do not flap the peerlink, this role change will not happen. So for that, I can go and flap the peer link.

So you can go to the port channel and the inside port channel will go and flap that port channel. Let's do that interface port channel ten shut, no shut, and we are flapping the actual peer link. Because we have a peer link over this interface. You can now see inside the building next to seven k one. It's showing primary but operational it is again because, remember, our VPC domain is wrong. That will be corrected later on. But let's continue and let's do the rest of the configuration. So we know that we have one downstream switch where you can see the interfaces. So the interface is e three and six from next to seven. So I will go inside e-three-six and then I will go and do the LCP configuration or the VPC configuration.

So let's do the VPC configuration E three six and inside E three six we'll go and do channel group200 mode on and then we'll go inside interface portchannel 200 where we'll make this a switch port. Then we'll do switch port more trunk the same configuration more or less that we did inside the peer link as well. right? But if you want to allow certain VLANs over the trunk, we have this facility. We can go and allow that. So once this configuration is completed in Nexus sevenK one, inside Nexus sevenK two, we'll go and check the E four six channelgrove 200mode on and then over the interface port channel200, we'll make the switch port switchboard mode trunk. Once we do this configuration, then one key configuration is left again. Inside Nexus seven K one and seven K two, over this four-channel 200, we have to make this a VPC, so VPCtwo hundred and seven K one and again, in excess of seven Ktwo, we have to do this VPC 200. So now the VPC-related configuration of the course is done. Now we'll go to the Nexus five K, which is my bottom switch, and inside Nexus five K, we have interfaces, and we'll check those interfaces. Those interfaces are E one, last four, and one, last five. So I can go and check E one, four, and five as a range and channel group 200 mode on and then we'll go and do the configuration related to port channel. So here we have to do the normal configuration. We don't have to do much, but whatever.

37. 37 Nexus vPC Part 03 Configuration.1

In this session we are going to do quick revision. That is what we have performed in the previous two videos. So now we have built the VPC and you can see that we have a VPC built here. We'll go and verify as well.But we have to make a switch and one downstream switch. We have a peer link between these Nexus, and within that peer link, we have created the port channel. We have the peer keep alive link as well. That is in brown. That is one of our management mgmt zero interfaces. So let me write that MGT 0 interface. We established the VPC, established the peer link, and configured our management interface as a VPC peer keeperlive link. We have configured the downstream switch as well. So let me open the slide that we have to quickly refer to. Whatever configurations that we have done, we'll go and verify them quickly inside our PPT.

Let me open that PPT and we'll go and check all the terminologies that we have already discussed earlier in the previous section: what is the peer link, what is the VPC peers, what is the member link, etcetera. So clearly you can see here it is defined. First of all, the concept of VPC. So instead of triangles, we are creating logical straight lines and then we are overcoming the STP issues as well. Then we define the VPC peer. What is the multi-choice etherchannel? What is the VPC peer? Again, if we have a dual VPC configuration, so one layer of VPC and again the second layer of VPC, the same type of configuration we can do for the second layer of VPC as well. Now, what kind of hardware is required, and how can we connect our servers to the machine that is currently displayed here? Once we do configure our VPC domain, VPC peer, and our VPC member legs, we will have what we need. So once you have everything set, obviously we will send the traffic and the traffic flow will look like this: they don't have to follow the triangle,they will think they are directly attached. So anything that will be connected to the end host in the bottom here, you can see that we have two K, two kfix, or possibly a switch or a server.

So the traffic originating from these locations going from south to north will think that they are going in a straight line. They will not think that they have to do like we are doing in SDP blocking and then forwarding, blocking, forwarding, et cetera. Again, we have to define the VPC domainpeers, member port VPCs, and VPC via link. All these configurations we have already done earlier. Now one key thing here is that if you don't have VPC members, that means there's a chance that you are connecting a switch whose interface is a non-VPC domain. So in that case, the standard STPprotocol will work in those scenarios.

So VPC, once you have your VPC domain, will work as your straight line type of thing. But if you go and connect any non-VPCI interfaces, your STP will come into the picture. Let's quickly revise. So what configuration have we done? You can see that we have done the configuration related to VPC. We have enabled the VPC, we have defined the domain, we have given the priority, we have configured the VPC peer link, and finally, we have configured the downstream switch. That's the VPC domain as well. Right now, once we have this configuration, let's quickly verify Nexus seven k one and access seven k two as well. We know that for port channel we have used the port channel number and you can see here the port channel number is ten and then we have the member port channel, that's a VPC. The actual VPC is 200 at the moment. It will show you down because clearly you can see the VPC domain system ID mismatch because in switch one I have given domain 100 and in the other I have configured 200. We should go and correct this. So in the upcoming section I will go and correct this. At the moment, it will show you how to fail down. But we'll continue and we'll correct this in the next section. And then we are going to configure it.

38. Nexus vPC Part 04 Configuration.1

Hello everyone. This is the last inside the VPC configuration in this section. And in this section we are going to focus more on getting our VPC back up and running because we have done some wrong configuration. Inside that, we know that the VC domain is actually 200 and we have configured it as 100. And then we have flapped the VPC correctly. Now do this. What will happen? That VPC will go into dual active mode. So what will happen here? You can see that it is showing as a primary. Again, if you do shut, no shut, there is no change in this because, anyway, the domain is not correct. So the strategy here that we are going to use is that, first of all, we go and correct the domain. Once the domain comes up, I will go ahead and shut down the site just to see what will en. Right. So you can see the VPC role. It shows that in the first two pages showing primary. And if you go and check the second switch, the VPC rule. So let's check that rule and here it is secondary and you can see clearly that the dual active detection status is one.

So it has detected the dual active scenario, and in that case, what is happening is that once it will detect that now you have two different control plans. So it will go and shut down all the member interfaces. Because if you have two different control plans, it means you are in a dual active scenario. So in that case, it will start forming the loop. So this is one type of protection mechanism we have inside the VPC. So now what we can do here is go and correct this scenario. All right. So let's start from Nexus seven. K One. The VPC domain will be 200 inside Nexus Seven K1. That's the correct one. And then again, we can go to interface port channel ten. Shut, shut, shut. That means we are flapping the peer link. Once we fly the peer link, then you will see that the VPC will start forming and you will see the status as well. It will take some time to do the convergence. After that convergence, you can see that the peer agent form, okay, peer is alive. You have successfully completed your VPC form. Again, the VPC, the memberports are showing that it's down. But again, you can see that it will show you up. It is taking a few seconds to do the conversions. Once the conversion happens, you will find everything will be up and running. Now what? We'll do that. We'll go to Nexus seven, K two. Also inside Nexus Seven K Two. We can go and verify the VPC.

So let's verify the VPC here. So you can see that it's up and running. And at the bottom you can see that the VPC status,that support channel 200 is also successful now since it is converging, so it may take a few more seconds, but after the convergence you'll find that things will be okay. Now again, we can go and check the role because Nexus seven K-2 has roll priority three to 67, that's higher. That's why it is showing secondary. If you go and check the role inside anX seven K, you'll find that this is the one and that's why it's the primary. Now you can see clearly that this status is up, your port channels are up, everything is up and running great. So since everything is up and running, the next task that we want to do here is go inside the peer link. I want to do the shutdown, so let's do the shutdown. After shutting down the peer link, you can see that we have moved inside the port channel. Now we are doing a shutdown. The VPC will again go into dual active mode. That means both the peers, VPCpeers, will think that they have control and are the masters. Subsequently, they will shut down their member interfaces. That's the one thing. Again, If you want to investigate additional use cases related to the failure scenario, You can go to the management interface and shut down, and you can study the use cases related to that. At the moment, I'm not shutting down the management interface, because again, it will break my entire VPC session, so let's not do that. But theoretically, you should know that what will happen if your management link is down? What will happen if your VPC is down? All these things, we should write them and we should understand all these use cases because they are frequently asked questions in the interview. All right, we have successfully completed our task. Let's stop here, er.

39. Vxlan EVPN & OTV starts...

Now we reach section one three, where we have to learn about VXLAN, EVPN, and OTB. This section is quite big because VXLAN, e VPN, and OTB are different overlay techniques. And what I have done here, you can see that you have a good number of videos related to VXLAN. Once you understand VXLAN, there are a good number of videos related to EVPN, and finally a few videos I have dedicated to OTV. So once you go and complete the videos, then section one and three will be completed. And after that, we'll move to the next section that is ACI based.

40. Vxlan Basics

In one or three, we have to learn and understand VXLAN, EVPN, and OTB. These are the overlay technologies that have been used inside data centers, and all of these technologies have been quite and used for a long, long time. Now, here the agenda is that we have to understand how we can go and apply these protocols. But again, we are going one step back. First of all, we'll go and understand the technology behind the scene. So how is VXLAN working? What's the significance of EVPand OTB? And then we will perform the lab task inside the lab. We'll go and check all these things. So let's go and check the VXLAN first. Now we are going to learn about VXLAN theory. So let's just start with the VXLAN overview. What is VXLAN? First and foremost, we know what VLAN virtual land is, which is something that you can assign different types of physical interfaces as logical interfaces in aswitch. So we know that it's the definition of VLAN and VXLAN is nothing but the extension of VLAN plus so many other things. So we know that when we are creating the VLAN, Vlant in these two ports and then again in VLAN 20, these two ports, etc. For the limitation, although we know that VLAN is the numbering, we'll again discuss the limitation. But let's follow the slide so he can see this.

First of all, this VXLAN technology is a tunnelmechanism and it is defined as Ethernet in UDP channels. What does it mean? On the next recording, we will go and discuss VXLANframe format, VXLAN structure, and then we'll go and discuss more about what are the things we have inside VXLAN, what are the fields we have inside VXLAN. And then you will understand that it's a tunnelmechanism and in every tunnel we have some inner fields and we have some outer fields, inner and outer. That is what we will talk about. But this is one of the technologies using Ethernet and UDP tunnel encapsulation. And now here you can see in the diagram that this is purely an IP network diagram. You have your infrastructure and in this infrastructure we have the underlying protocol, for example, OSPF or ISIS or any other. Now these underlying protocols are working with all these devices that are using them, in this case, OSPF. So they are advertising the routes,they are getting the routes, etc. great. Now, when we add the VX land here, you will understand how things will change and what features and capabilities VXLAN will add to it. So already we have the underlay and that underlay. What we are doing is using overlay overlay as a VXLAN. So now we'll see that at every point, you have something called a VXLAN tunnel endpoint tip.

So now we have the tunnel endpoints because we know this is the tunnel type of technology and below you have OSPF or ISIS, that protocol which is supporting this V Xlan to form the tunnel. Because again, if you study tunnels, you know that you need some underlying protocol to form the tunnel. Because of what they are seeing, they can see what's the source and what's the destination tunnel is according to source and destination, they can go and they can work. So the important point here is that, while we're talking about multiple channels, let's pretend this is the source. And, if we're talking about multi-destination communication, suppose the source can send a packet to D1, maybe the source can send a packet to D2, and so on if we have multiple routes to reach. So here you can see that you can go like this. You can go like this means Eversource has multiple destinations. Now look at this thing, and that's quite interesting inside VXN, and that's why it's very important. Now what's the main capability of any routing protocol like OSPF, EGRP, or ISIS? Now, these routing protocols are not forming any type of STP. That means they're not blocking any links. So suppose you go from one location to another location and you have three different paths, one, two, and three, and all these paths have an equal distance and have the samemetric value, then you will find that you have three ECMP, three equal-cost, multiple paths. That means your source can reach the fixed destination via three equal paths. and that's the same thing. Here we have now got a routing type of overlay. So it is not dependent upon something like switching types of overlay because in switching types of overlay, again by default, STP will come into the picture and start blocking the link. So you have routed infrastructure and all the destinations are only one hop away from the source. That's why you are getting this enhancement.

So now you can see that it has layerto multiply. It is not supporting the STP. So there's no loop concept, although you may have layer three loops, because everything is one hop away with the help of cloth fabric. Cloth fabric is something which deals with the leaf spine and leaf structure. That means that if you have two spine,you don't have leaf to leaf connectivity. Everything is collapsed or connected to the spine. And then if you have any entry from source to destination, if you don't know the destination, you are doing the proxy to the spine, and then the spine will tell you that this is the destination, how you can do it, and how we can reach it. So, similar to fabricpath, but with scaling enhancements. And since this will support PCMP, since you are not building the list, like in the case of traditional Mac learning, you have to maintain the Mac database. Here you don't need to maintain each and every entry because the fines can do that for you. And again, this is the optimization method in terms of the control plane. Now, the Mac addresses this control plane can carry an import or export. We'll check on this overlaytechnology later on in EVPN. But yeah, it has the scaling enhancement. It will scale the data centre network. Because inside the data center, you may have a good number of virtual Mac addresses as well. You may have a tremendous amount of scale going from east to west. Traffic, traffic from east to west, may be heavy, may increase drastically, etc. And one very important point to note here is that the traditionalVLAN only supports two to the power of 24 kwh in terms of Mac address support.

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