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ACT Practice Test Questions, ACT Exam Dumps
ExamSnap provides Test Prep ACT Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The Test Prep ACT Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted Test Prep ACT Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.
The ACT or American College Testing is the gold standard in admission-based certificates. Its score reflects the test-takers’ ability to learn and grasp high-school learning with excellence. It is designed for 10th, 11th, and/or 12th standard students and assesses their readiness for college or university environments. It is a highly acclaimed and approved test accepted by most federal and state-based colleges and institutes. Along with the US universities, around 225 global universities accept this exam score during admission in a four-year degree or course. Launched in 1959, it soon became famous and it surpassed the popularity of the SAT exam. If data is to be believed, more than 1.78 million graduates took this test in 2019.
About ACT
Using a strict format, this exam testifies the English, reading, scientific reasoning, and mathematics competencies. There is one more section, writing, which is not a mandatory part. This means that some colleges might consider it while others don't. All in all, the ACT is basically an MCQ format-based entrance exam and is available in paper and computer-based modes. Commonly, interested candidates will have sevens chances to appear for this exam within the US and some of its territories along with Canada. Elsewhere in the world, only September, October, December, April, and June months are open for exam dates. Then, one must understand that such an exam is conducted mostly on Saturdays unless there is no registered holiday on Saturday. It's peculiar that there are arrangements done for students with special abilities as well. For instance, ACT aspirants with physical and learning disabilities will have around 50% more time to complete the whole testing. As far as costing is concerned, it varies. For example, the ACT for the US residents will cost $55 without the writing section and $70 with it. On the other hand, non-US residents have to pay $150 for the ACT (without the writing section) and $166.50 (with writing). To add more, each exam section is scored on a scale of 1-36 with the final score being a composite of all four sections. For the writing test, there would be a separate scorecard. All in all, 36 is the maximum score for the ACT evaluation and 21 is the average rate. The score report is detailed enough to let the targeted college provide tons of details about the test-taker. For instance, it will provide details like College Selection Items, College Readiness, Information about Colleges, and many others. In addition, the score will be shared with the students and will be automatically sent to the four colleges that the candidate has applied to.
Exam Sections
The first exam portion is English and it is 45-minute long. The test-taker has to face test-items based on sentence structure, usage, and language skills. In all, there are 75 test items in total. Then, the math section is 60-minute long and there would be 60 questions. These items are based on pre-algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, coordinate geometry, and computer algebra systems. The reading sector, in particular, lasts for 35 minutes and testifies the English reading competency of the test-taker. Plus, there would be 40-questions in total. The science part is the same as the reading section if we talk about time and questions. In all, there will be inquiries based on data analysis, representation, and problem-solving. Though the writing part is optional, it assesses the targeted skill perfectly, and is 40 minutes long and asks the test-taker to write one essay.
Books to Make You Test-Ready
Exam readiness and having better subject knowledge are essential for everyone who dreams of clearing the ACT exam. Both these things can be acquired with the help of quality books that are filled with tested and updated information. Amazon is the powerhouse of such books and we have hand-picked a few for you. Here are the details:
A best-seller on Amazon, this book comes directly from the ACT test organizers. Hence, deserves full consideration. It is packed with the best possible help that any ACT aspirant needs to hone the English, Science, and reading competency. More so, here is some helpful advice for the actual exam that every aspirant needs for a smooth exam journey.
Get ACT exam-ready, resolve all your queries and worries, ace the subject knowledge, and perform better than your expectations by referring to this awesome book. The publisher offers such a guide for helping ACT aspirants nail the official validation without any stress. Also, students are in love with step-by-step video tutorials and practice questions included in it. Then, by using the expert exam-taking strategies, candidates will be more confident and score the passing grade easily. The paperback version of this book is available at a mere cost of $14.99 on Amazon.
Candidates who are having a tough time excelling in the ACT science section can take the help of this book. The author has done a great job in explaining the exam domains. Being a Chemical Engineer, he understands science fundamentals better than anyone else. Thus, he uses his real-time expertise while writing this manual and this is what has made it special.
Being a quality book from the house of Kaplan Test Prep, this study guide acts like a single, proven, and comprehensive exam resource. Along with detailed exam content, such a manual includes verified strategies and tips for acing the actual validation. Try to fetch it and we guarantee that you’ll not experience disappointments. Both Kindle and paperback versions are available for you to access.
Math, in particular, is one section that bothers many ACT aspirants. But, it won’t be a headache anymore as this guide is here to assist you with this. By explaining the key math concepts in a simplified manner, such material has made learning fun. Plus, the real-time test-taking strategies give applicants the needed confidence and boost up their morale.
Well, acing the ACT exam can be a complicated thing to do but with an ample variety of prep options available on the internet, it’s become easily achievable. So, opt for the Amazon study guides we’ve highlighted above and beat all the sections of the official ACT test in one try!
Study with ExamSnap to prepare for Test Prep ACT Practice Test Questions and Answers, Study Guide, and a comprehensive Video Training Course. Powered by the popular VCE format, Test Prep ACT Certification Exam Dumps compiled by the industry experts to make sure that you get verified answers. Our Product team ensures that our exams provide Test Prep ACT Practice Test Questions & Exam Dumps that are up-to-date.
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