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Atlassian ACP-100 Practice Test Questions, Atlassian ACP-100 Exam Dumps
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Once you have your project requirements and select the appropriate project template,you're ready to create a project. In this section, we discuss the process of creating a new Jira project with custom schemes as well as looking at some project-level administration. Let's get started by talking about custom versus shared schemes. You select the template in Jira for your project. You're ready to get started and build it. You can create a new project with either a shared scheme or a custom scheme, and there are advantages to each method. At a high level, custom schemes allow you to create a custom set of configurations for a specific project, and that project is not tied to any other schemes within your Jira instance. Shared schemes, on the other hand, allow you to create a set of configurations that you can apply to many projects. For the purposes of this course,we'll start with custom schemes. And while we're on the subject, let's explain a bit more about what a scheme is in Jira. A scheme is a collection of configurations for a project. Each scheme contains different configurations, including those for workflows, issue types, and permissions. Your project schemes define the way different parts of your Jira project function. For example, your project's issue type scheme sets the available issue types within the project, while your project's workflow scheme sets the available workflows in the project. We cover schemes in depth in another video, including creation and management of all available schemes in Jira. A Great Adventure Violet needs to create two new projects for the finance and web development teams. Both need to use new schemes right now. Since Great Adventure isn't currently using any shared themes, that's a task Violet needs to handle as well, but more on that later. Violet already picked out the templates for the new projects, so let's walk through creating the new Kanban project for the web development team. First, there are actually three different ways to get to the area you need to go to to create a project. Let's use a shortcut in this demonstration. On your keyboard, press the period key,and then start typing projects. Select projects from the menu. On the projects page, click Create Project. Then, in the Create Project window, select the template you wish to use for your project, and then click Next. Violetuses the Kanban software development template for the web development team. Review the default issue types and workflow associated with the selected project template, and then click select. For example, in the Name field, type a name for your project, and for example, call this project Great Adventure Website Revision. Then, in the Key field, adjust the key if you need to. Your project name will be converted into a key, but you can adjust it if your organisation follows a specific naming convention. In the project lead field, Select a project lead. The default is the Jiraadministrator creating the project. For Great Adventure, we select Rosa Blair as project manager for the web development team working on the revision, and note that you can reassign the project lead at any time. Later on, when you're all finished, click "Submit" to create a new project. From here, you can make any necessary changes, such as reassigning any roles and adding the appropriate project administrator to the project. Remember, you can also update a project scheme after you create it, so if you need to make adjustments and replace custom schemes with a shared scheme, you can do so. Note that custom schemes do create additional work for you as a juror administrator, so we recommend that you use them sparingly in your instance if possible. Let's take a quick look at managing a Jira project and discuss some of the options you can hand off to the project administrator. Primarily, the administration of an Ajira project goes to the project admin, and starting with inJira 7.3, you can grant project admins additional capabilities in their projects. Workflows were the first example. In Jira 7.3, we talk more about extended project administrator capabilities when we discuss permissions. In addition, project admin permissions are a detailed topic in the Power Users course. For your information, let's talk about components, versions, and issue collectors in a Jira project so you have a good idea of how to discuss these options with project administrators or train them on the functionality. Components and versions are ways to organise projects based on smaller parts or points. In time, you can associate issues with components and versions, but they are optional. You may find them helpful for your organisation, but if not, they aren't required. You can delegate management of components and versions to your project admins instead of managing them yourself as the Jira administrator. If you'd like more information on components and versions, then you may wish to watch the Jira Server for Power Users course. We recommend you delegate as much as you can to the project admins so you, as Jira admin,don't have to spend as much time on projectlevel tasks as we're looking at the project level. Let's talk briefly about issue collectors briefly.You'll find more information about issuecollectors in the Reference Guide. Issue Collectors and Jira share a mechanism which allows a Jira administrator to create a custom form which can then be embedded on an external web page. Users can raise issues by using a pop-up on that website. The issues are collected anonymously as the users don't have to have accounts for the Jira instance. However, the user does need to include their name and email when creating an issue so that someone from within the Jira instance can respond to the user. And again, we cover adding an Issue Collector in the Reference Guide for this course. And this ability is only for Jiraadmins, even at the project level.
Issue types are holders for screens and workflows that allow you to keep track of different real-world objects, such as work tasks, bugs, or a person.As a JIRA administrator, you can create and update issues depending on your project and business processes. You can also set up each issue type to behave differently, for example, attracting different pieces of information throughout a project. Violet needs to add a new issue type for GradeAdventure, but first she needs to review the current issue types and which templates include which issue types. At Great Adventure, the Finance team's new project uses a process management template, which is part of Junior Core. So if they want to track invoices with a specific configuration or workflow that is different than the available task and subtask issue types, what should Violet do? She needs to consider the organization's requirements for issue types and issue requests. Each new type means additional work for the Jira admin team. She also needs to consider the needs of the Finance Department. Finance needs a very detailed workflow and fields available to capture purchase information. With this information, Violet plans to create an issue type called "Purchase," so if other departments want to incorporate it, they can. We'll talk more about reusing these types of configurations when we discuss schemes. What would you do in Violet's situation if you had a similar request? Why is it important to consider an issue's configuration? Behind every issue type is a workflow to guide its process, a screen to organise its fields, and several other settings to show endusers the right information at the right time. For example, the Story Issue type for ZeroSoftware has a different workflow than the ServiceRequest issue type in Jira Service Desk. Even using the default project templates, the main thing to know for now is that issue types represent a category of work that needs to be done and can include different settings based on that category. If you want to see a more detailed list of what project templates include what issue types, check out the Jeer Administration Reference Guide. From the top ribbon, click the JeepAdministration menu, and then select Issues. On the issues page From the left menu, select issue types from the issue types page, and click Add. issue type. Enter a name and description for your new issue type. For a great adventure, recreate an issue type called "Purchase." For the type option, select StandardIssue type or subtask issue type. Violet needs a Standard Issue type, so that's what we selected for this example. Subtasks work a bit differently in Jira than standard issue types, and you need to have at least one defined in your instance for your users to create subtasks. In your instance, you can also enable and disable subtasks as needed in your instance.On the Issue Types page, scroll to see your new issue type and click Edit. On the Edit Issue Type page, update your issue type's name, description, and avatar. Each new issue type uses the default image, so you want to update the image to match your issue type's purpose. The finance team wants to use a specific avatar for the Invoice issuetype in Great Adventure, so we choose that image. A green box, the dollar symbol. We recommend keeping track of what images you use for different issue types and making sure you don't include multiples of the same image. You can also upload your own images for issue types. Custom images can assist you in achieving brand consistency throughout your instance. Click Update to finish your changes and review the Issue types page to see those changes. An important item to know is that any new issue type you create becomes a part of the default issue type scheme in Jira and is now automatically available in all projects using the default issue type scheme.
Since issue types provide the background settings for an issue, you may find yourself needing to update them to account for a tangent process. Because issues contain data, you need to go through the amigration process to move the issue to a new type. Let's talk about how that works. In addition to setting up new issue types for the Great Adventure Jira instance, Violet needs to update a few existing projects as well. Part of her job as Jira admin is to manage the instance and clean up old data. So when the Human Resources Department comes to Violet with the following situation, she has to plan to update some issues. Human Resources needs to clean up their Jira project and update the current CandidateIssue type to something more generic. Violet already knows how to create an issue type, but she needs to consider how to properly manage the data for the existing issues associated with the Candidate Issue type. She needs a more generic issue type available for other projects. She has four issues using the Candidate Issue type that are either new, reopened, or inprogress that she needs to consider. She needs to delete the Candidate Issue type, but make sure no other projects use this type. Before deleting an issue type, you need to migrate any in-progress issues to a new issue type. If you don't have any issues in the old issue type, you can safely delete the issue type. We recommend using Bolt Change to move the issue type to your new issue type and then deleting the unneeded issue type. If you need to change issue type schemes, you can use the Migration Wizard, but for single issue types,bulk change is a more efficient solution. Violet decides to create a new issue type called "person" and add that issue type to the scheme associated with the human Resources project. She needs to move the four issues using the Candidate Issue type to the Person Issue type. Then, once those are moved, she can delete the Candidate Issue type. Let's follow the process. We revisit issue migration in the Schemes chapter when we work on modifying issue types and workflow schemes to get started. Perform a JQS search. You need to change the issue type for the search results. At the top right, click Tools, and then click Bulk Change to select the All Issues option. For search results Violet sees that she has four issues using the Candidate Issue type that she needs to move. On the Bulk Operation page, select the items you want to change, and then click Next. We selected all in our example, but you can pick and choose from the list of issues. Instead of selecting All Next, you will see several operations to choose from. Select the operation you need to perform, and then click Next. For this demo, we are changing the issue type of the selected issues using the Move Issues operation. However, you can make several different bulk changes as you continue through the wizard. For example, we select to change issues using the Candidate Issue type. To begin with, use the person issue type. We do not change the project in this example, but if you have a need, you can move issues to a different project using bulk change, which can be very handy. On the next screen of the wizard, you choose to retain values. Click Next. On the final screen, you will see confirmation of your change. Click Confirm to complete the process. Violet ensures that issues with the Candidate Issue type are moved to the Person Issue type for Great Adventure. After this bulk operation, complete the process by acknowledging the Wizard's success. To double check your bulkoperation, perform an appropriate search. For example, we check our issues from earlier. By searching for the updated issue type, we see that the existing issues use the PersonIssue type instead of the Candidate Issue type. This process can work for other bulk change operations as well. You need to search for issues using JQL and then make a change. A quick warning Bulk Change is a global permission that is available to your users by default. If you don't want users accidentally moving issue types or deleting large groups of issues, you may want to update what groups have this permission. We cover permissions later, but remember that Bulk Change is not a Jira administrator's only permission automatically. Once you migrate the issues to the new issue type, you can delete the unneeded issue type. From the top ribbon, click the GearAdministration menu, and then select Issues. On the issues page From the left menu, select issue types on the Issue Types page, scroll to the issue type you want to delete, and click Delete. We select the now unused "Case Issue" type. You see a confirmation page noting there are no matching issues. Click Delete. At Great Adventure, Violet cleaned up the issue type by using bulk change and then deleting the old issue type. However, you may find another process works better,such as using shared issue type schemes in your projects that you can swap out if you need to change one of the issue types. Issue type schemes help configuration at scale by eliminating manual work, so they are another method of managing issue types within Jira.
A field is a means to capture data on the jira issue. Fields appear on screens in Jira and are tied to a specific Jira issue and issue type. While there are default system fields available in Jira,you can also create your own as needed. Custom Fields allow you to create fields to capture data which is not captured by the built-in system fields out of the box. Jira includes several system feelings that you can use to capture information on your instance. These fields include summary,created date, and assignee. If these fields don't work for your needs, you can create custom fields. When creating a new custom field, you can choose from a set of predefined data types in two different categories standard fields, which allow you to see a preview of a new field, or advanced fields, which don't let you see a preview. So you need to view the field on an issue to validate your configuration. With each custom field type,you have different options. Standard type fields include checkboxes, number fields, and radio buttons, and advanced type fields include globalrank, multiple group picker, and multiple user picker. For a full list, see the JiraAdministrator Reference Guide, where we've built an atable with each available type. And if you need a field type that isn't present out of the box, then you can add this from a Marketplace app. Before you create a new custom field, we recommend that you ask the following three questions: to ensure that you configure the field to get maximum benefits from it What's the value of this field for the project or organization? You want to make sure that there's a reason for the field, and the more people that can use it, the better. What information does the user need to populate this field? You want to think about what the user needs to know when completing the field. Can they get the information to complete the field accurately? And when do you need to collect this information from the user? You want to think about when to use the field. Does it need to be available when someone creates an issue or when they edit it? To help with the HR, Finance, and Training departments, Violet needs to create a field that allows a user to pick their department. This field can help Great Adventure track different types of requests within different departments. Let's see how she does it. From the top ribbon, click the Jiraadmin menu, and then select Issues. Then on the Issues page, from the left menu, under Fields, select Custom Fields. On the Custom Fields page, click Add custom field. Then, in the select a field type window,select from a standard or advanced custom field. For our example, we select "Standard." From the options for your field type,select the specific type of field you want to create, and then click Next. We select the single option, List Option. Then, in the configure window for your chosen field type, enter a name, description, and complete the options as needed. Please keep in mind that the options available to you on this window are determined by the type of field you selected. We call our field department, describe what the field does, and fill out a list of departments as options for the field. When you're finished, just click Create. You'll see a page that allows you to associate the new field with screens. Welcome back to this in a different video. For now, let's talk about custom field context. to help maximise your custom field use.
Custom field contexts in Jira allow you to reuse custom fields instead of creating multiples with the same name and type. This is a great adventure. For example, Violet wants the department to show different options for different projects. For the HR and Finance teams, she needs departments to show for the field to facilitate appropriate tracking for both groups. But in the infrastructure team, she only needs a select set of technology departments to appear. You could also use the Custom Field context to show different price bands for one custom field. There isn't a limit on custom field context for custom fields. However, you can only use one custom fieldcontext per project, so you can't display a different list of options for different issue types in the same project without a third-party addon like Adaptive, a script runner for Jira. Because Violet's new field relates to user input about themselves or to a staff member entering information about another staff member, Violet needs to use field contextso the field shows up in the appropriate projects for the appropriate issue types. From the top ribbon, click the Jira admin menu and select Issues. Then on the Issues page in the left menu, select Custom Fields. On the Custom Fields page next to the field, you want to add a context by clicking the Actions menu, and then clicking Configure. On the Configure Custom Field page, click AddNew Context, and on the next screen, complete the appropriate information for your new field context. For a great adventure, we created a context for the department field. We add a label and an appropriate description,and by holding down Command on Macor CTRL on Windows, we select Multiple. The issue type in our context is going to be the Great Adventure human resources project. When you're finished, just click "Add." Now, once you've added the custom field context, the chosenfield will only show up where you selected it to show up, and the context allows you to modify thefield options and select a default value for the field,which then only applies to the context you've chosen. Have you ever encountered a situation where you needed to narrow the availability of a field? What are some of the uses you see for a custom field context in your own instance? Before we close, let's run through some best practises for custom fields. First, limit custom fields. When creating a new custom field, we recommend that you make sure you actually need it. Too many custom fields can cause performance issues as a Jira instance scales up in size. Consider reporting. When creating a custom field, we recommend thinking about how or if the field contributes to reporting. And make sure you select the right field type for certain reports. Text fields are not great for reporting. For example, keep names unique. We recommend that every custom field has a unique name. Jira will allow fields to have the same name,but this becomes hard to manage as an admin. If you're asked to update a field, and multiple fields have the same name, Finally, when creating a new custom field, you should keep the name Jeanette so that the field can be reused across multiple projects instead of having a name that is specific to a certain project. So score result rather than HR test score result type and project should give the context to understand what type of score result you're referring to.
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