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Microsoft 62-193 Practice Test Questions, Microsoft 62-193 Exam Dumps
With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the Microsoft 62-193 Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. Microsoft 62-193 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.
The next big thing is knowledge construction. Many of our education systems were initiallydesigned during the industrial revolution, and they placed a major emphasis on the teachers' sharing information with the students' class. This model of education generally views knowledge as something that is fixed and transmissible,placing a high value on students' sitting passively, absorbing information and later recalling it in either an early or written form. But will this model of education be sufficient? Today, in a new globalised education, there are over two and a half million pieces of content on Facebook per minute, more than 300,000 Tweets per minute, and more than 200 million males per minute. Is knowledge something static or is it dynamic and constantly evolving? So we need to be able to effectively make use of this vast volume of information in order to construct knowledge. In order to be able to navigate this volume of information, we need to prepare our students to have more than just the skills of retaining information that others have developed. So there is a need for schools to design learning opportunities to move beyond repetition. To transition from what, who, how, and how much? To move beyond these questions that typically have one right answer. So the idea of engaging deeply and constructing knowledge is not new. So what he says is that access to information nowadays has instant access to information. Instant access. This means that arrangements of people who can help with finding possible solutions. We also have ever-expanding raids of digital tools, commonly referred to as mindfulness, that can provide new ways of interacting with information. These computerised mindfuls can act as repositories for ideas, for resources, and for learning, ultimately allowing a student to create an extension of their own mind. Mind tools can extend, augment, and help us use information in novel and exciting ways to make sense of the world we live in.
So, knowledge construction has four steps. The first step is that we need to move beyond asking students questions that they already know the answer to or that they can search for online. With the advent of Internet search engines, there is less of a need for them to know lots of facts. Instead, we should require them to use information to construct their own understandings and engage in purposeful meaning making.We want them to construct knowledge by engaging in deep learning where they have to interpret, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. In order to construct understanding, we want them to use their existing knowledge and move beyond their current knowledge in order to generate ideas or knowledge that is new to them. Then, once students grasp concepts and ideas in order to deepen their understanding, they need to apply their learning in a new context. Deep understanding means being able to make connections across and between big ideas. Students should always have opportunities to engage in learning across multiple disciplines rather than working within single, discrete subject areas such as mathematics, history, science, and languages. For example, can you really understand why artists of a particular time period painted in a certain way or used specific techniques or materials if you don't have an appreciation and an understanding of the economics and social norms of the time? So, by engaging in such learning,students will be better prepared to construct knowledge individually and in collaboration with their peers to make meaning and to construct a deep understanding of the dynamic world we live in.
Knowledge construction means critical thinking. And critical thinking are four basic things. Knowledge construction happens when students do more than reproduce what they have learned. They go beyond knowledge reproduction to generate ideas and understandings that are new to them. So the skills of knowledge construction are actually considered critical thinking. So be careful and remember this: the skills of knowledge construction are critical thinking. Critical thinking means knowledge construction. Knowledge construction means critical thinking. Activities that require knowledge of construction ask students for things. Ask students to interpret, to analyze, to synthesize, or evaluate information or ideas. Interpretation means drawing inferences beyond the literal meaning. For example, students might read a description of a historical period and infer why people who lived then behaved the way they did. Analysis means identifying the parts of a whole and their relationships to each other. For example, students might investigate local environmental factors to determine which are most likely to affect migrating birds. Synthesizing means something else. It means identifying relationships between two or more ideas. So, for example, students might be required to compare and contrast perspectives from multiple sources. The last thing is evaluation, which means judging the quality, judging the credibility, judging the importance of data, judging the importance of ideas, judging the importance of events. So students, for example, might read different accounts of historical events and determine which one they find most credible.
But be careful. If an activity asks them to participate in a procedure they already know, Or if the activity gives students a set of steps to follow, the activity does not require knowledge of construction. I repeat, if the activity gives a set of steps to follow step by step, or if an activity asks students to practise a procedure they already know, this is not knowledge construction. Be careful to determine whether students already know a certain procedure. Consider what is typically expected of students at their rates. If a student activity asks students to devise a procedure themselves, then this activity does require knowledge construction. It is very important to note that not all student activities that are commonly described as research involve knowledge construction. If students are asked to look up information and then write a paper that simply describes what they found, students are simply reproducing knowledge, nothing more. They are not constructing knowledge. I repeat, if students are asked to look up information, look up, go to the Internet, look for something, then write a paper. So take the information. They found a way to simply describe what they found is knowledge representation but not knowledge construction.
ExamSnap's Microsoft 62-193 Practice Test Questions and Exam Dumps, study guide, and video training course are complicated in premium bundle. The Exam Updated are monitored by Industry Leading IT Trainers with over 15 years of experience, Microsoft 62-193 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions cover all the Exam Objectives to make sure you pass your exam easily.
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